Residents Arrested Men Who Steal Chili In Medan

MEDAN - A video circulating of a man who is said to be stealing vegetables in the city of Medan was arrested by residents. The security guard caught his action.
This man was hunched over in a languid room. In the video narration, it was written that the man was secured by residents in Marelan Pasar 5, Medan City.
"The vegetable thief was caught by a resident in Marelan Pasar 5," the video narrates.
Meanwhile, the video sender Aldiansyah Nugraha Nasution, when confirmed, explained the chronology of the man's arrest.
When in action, according to Aldiansyah, the man was not alone. The man acted with a colleague who fled.
"There were 2 suspects but the only one who got was him, the other one fled after that 2 suspects were caught by the security guard at the complex," said Aldiansyah, confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, March 2.
The incident occurred, Tuesday, March 2, in the evening. The man and his partner, in action in the chili field area.
"It was sunset at the location of the chili vegetable field. After that, the suspect was arrested by the residents," he explained.
The two men failed to get the chili they wanted. Because they have not had time to pick, the security guard caught both of their actions.
"Residents said they had not taken it because they had been caught by the security guard at the complex," he said.