Share Divided Of Up To IDR 26.4 Trillion, This Is BRI's Reason According To SOE Minister Erick Thohir

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) has just concluded the company's annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), which was held in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 1.

One of the decision points made at the meeting included the use of 85 percent of the company's net profit in 2021 to be distributed in the form of dividends to shareholders. Unmitigated, the value of the dividend distribution reached IDR 26.4 trillion!

According to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, the step to distribute dividends with a very large nominal is a testament to the company's success in running an ultramicro business amidst the pressures of the COVID19 pandemic.

"This is a breath of fresh air for the world of micro or macroeconomy. This is proof that ultramicro holdings are able to perform in a positive and healthy manner in supporting micro, small and medium enterprises or MSMEs. Without forgetting the company's performance in business, and in the broader side may move the national economy generally," said Erick, in his written statement, Tuesday, March 1.

Erick emphasized that it was the duty of BUMN to balance the company's role, both in terms of business, public services, and as a catalyst for the people's economy.

"What BRI shows is an example of how BUMN is able to record good company business performance, maximum public services, as well as being a motor in encouraging the growth of MSMEs," said Erick.

In the AGMS held on Tuesday, March 1, BRI is known to have decided to distribute a dividend of 85 percent of the net profit earned in 2021. This portion is equivalent to IDR 26.4 trillion, or around IDR 174.2 per share, taking into account the assumption of treasury stock before the cum date.

The dividend value has increased compared to the dividend value in the previous year, which was IDR 98.9 per share.

In addition to being distributed as dividends, the remaining 15 percent of net profit was also used for retained earnings, which amounted to IDR 4.65 trillion.