In Front Of The TNI-Polri Jokowi Affirms IKN Cannot Be Debated Again

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo stressed that members of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) cannot participate in democratic affairs. feel free, it's not the same as above, you can't," said President Jokowi at the opening ceremony of the 2022 TNI and Polri Leadership Meeting at TNI Headquarters Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Tuesday, March 1. "This is what we are currently weak at. Therefore, I ask the ranks of the TNI, Polri to be able to set an example to the public on this matter, national discipline, but also in the TNI itself, we must start to improve," he said. Jokowi, the discipline of the army and police is different from the discipline of civil society. "Speaking of democracy, there is no name in the army, police, nothing. This has to be tightened again, so that the public can see it and we can bring it to the direction of national discipline," he added.

"It's not only mothers who work, but those at home are also the same. Be careful, our mothers are also the same, the discipline must be the same. Ladies and gentlemen, you can't call, gather other mothers to summon speakers at will on their behalf. democracy," he said. Once again, President Jokowi emphasized that the discipline of the army and police must be coordinated according to their respective units. small but it must be disciplined, in the WA (whatsapp) group. I saw it in the WA group. If you are among yourself, you can. Be careful, if it is allowed and if it is continued, be careful," added the President. The National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago which is an example of conversation on social media networks. "For example, talking about IKN, do you disagree with what IKN? "He emphasized. However, according to Jokowi, the development and transfer of IKN is one of the issues debated in the WhatsApp chat group. Be careful with this, starting small, it will grow, because the discipline of the army and the police is different from civilians and is limited by the rules of the leadership," he said. "The bottom line if we look at it, the point is perpendicular loyalty. I'm reading this, what's the point? Loyalty is upright," said the President.