PPP: Postponement Of Elections Doesn't Violate The Constitution If MPR Makes Amendments, But There's No Plan

JAKARTA - Three political parties supporting the government have called for the postponement of the 2024 General Election. After PKB and PAN agreed to postpone the election, Golkar also agreed to review the proposal. Meanwhile, PDIP and NasDem firmly rejected the discourse.

Responding to this, the chairman of the PPP DPP Achmad Baidowi said that the postponement of the 2024 election could happen and would not violate the constitution if the MPR RI made an amendment.

According to the secretary of the PPP faction, if the majority of factions want the election to be postponed, it is not impossible that the 1945 Constitution amendment can be carried out.

"If the majority wants, for example, to want an amendment to the 1945 Constitution, that's fine. Because the political power in the DPR and MPR has been well consolidated," Baidowi said, Tuesday, March 1.

However, the man who is familiarly called Awiek emphasized that so far there has been no discourse or plan for the MPR to amend the 1945 Constitution.

"But currently there is no plan to amend the constitution," said Awiek.

In fact, continued Awiek, it seems that the amendments are only for the purpose of extending the term of office of the president or postponing the election.

"If the constitutional amendment is only to smooth out an extension of the term of office or postpone the election, how come it seems to be forced," said the Deputy Chair of the DPR Baleg.

"We always say don't go into politics against the logic of sanity," continued Awiek.

Awiek emphasized that PPP would be committed to maintaining the mandate of reform. According to him, the applicable constitution must be obeyed by all parties.

"Until now, we hope that the constitution that has been mutually agreed upon is adhered to first," he said.