Nurhayati Becomes A Suspect For ICW Asks Police To Summon Cirebon Police Investigators

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) appealed to the Professional and Security Division of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to immediately summon and examine the Cirebon Police investigators, who named the Head of Financial Affairs of Citemu Village, Cirebon, West Java, Nurhayati as a suspect. ICW investigator Kurnia Ramadhana said the summons This is necessary because the investigator concerned has the potential to violate the Polri code of ethics in Article 10 paragraph (1) letters a and d of the Regulation of the National Police Chief Number 7 of 2006 concerning Ethics in Relations with the Community. In addition, ICW also encourages the National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo immediately reprimanded and evaluated the Cirebon City Police Chief (Kapolres) AKBP M. Fahri Siregar for being proven unprofessional in supervising the duties of his staff when handling cases of alleged corruption in Citemu Village. ) Police Commissioner General Pol. Agus Andrianto and Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD. They said that the determination of the status of a suspect against Nurhayati was not based on sufficient preliminary evidence, so the Police and the Prosecutor's Office would immediately stop the investigation. "First, Nurhayati's good name has been tarnished due to the status of a suspect pinned by the Cirebon Police. Second, the identification of a suspect to a party suspected of providing information has the potential to discourage the public from contributing to the issue of eradicating corruption. "He explained, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 1. Thus, he said this problem should not have occurred if the Cirebon Police had acted professionally and understood the difference between criminal, administrative, and justification provisions in criminal law. ICW also Emphasizing the role of the community, such as the right to provide information regarding alleged corruption to law enforcement officers and the right to obtain legal protection, Article 41 of the Corruption Eradication Act has guaranteed. Previously, Nurhayati was named a suspect in the case of alleged corruption in village funds by the Cirebon Police. The case of Nurhayati was viral on social media and attracted public attention because many parties considered that Nurhayati was actually one of the reporters or parties who tried to uncover the corruption case of Citemu Village funds by the village head. Therefore, the determination of Nurhayati as a suspect by the Cirebon Police drew criticism and protests from the public as well as various civil society organizations.