Presidents Of Eight European Union Countries Call For Immediate Discussion On Ukraine's Membership

JAKARTA - The presidents of eight central and eastern European countries on Monday asked the member states of the European Union (EU), to immediately grant Ukraine the status of an EU candidate country, opening membership talks according to an open letter published on Monday.

"We, the Presidents of the EU member states: the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia firmly believe that Ukraine deserves the perspective of immediate EU accession," the letter said. it, reported Reuters March 1.

Earlier, EU leaders could discuss Ukraine's possible membership at an informal summit in March, a senior EU official said Monday, adding the issue was important for Ukraine in discussions with Russia to end the conflict.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Monday he had signed a formal request that Ukraine join the bloc immediately.

"I think one of the reasons why this is important for President Zelenskiy is also potentially in some discussions with Russia about a way out," the official said, referring to talks to end the conflict.

But he added that no process had started yet.

"On (Ukraine's) application for EU membership I think it's important not to get ahead of ourselves," continued the official, who asked not to be named.

"Obviously it hasn't been accepted, but this whole question about the Ukraine situation is something that is very much on the minds of the leaders."

Meanwhile, the EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell said his immediate priority was to provide practical support to Ukraine against the Russian invasion, rather than discussing long-term issues that could take years.

"We have to give an answer for the coming hours, not for the years to come," he told reporters when asked about Ukraine's membership in the EU yesterday.

"Ukraine obviously has a European perspective, but now we have to fight against aggression."

Separately, EU chief Charles Michel and European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen will meet French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Paris on Monday evening for talks.

"So I'm sure this will come up in those discussions. And of course we will have an informal meeting of the Council of Europe in the near future, on March 10 and 11 and I would imagine that the topic of Ukraine, which occupies the minds of many leaders, will be brought up at some point in the the discussion," the official said.

Ukraine has an association agreement with the 27-member bloc, but wants to become a full member, something Russia opposes. Ukraine's membership has so far not been discussed so as not to antagonize Moscow, but Russia's invasion of Ukraine has changed things, the official said.

"The unprecedented Russian aggression that we have seen against Ukraine, the strong condemnation of this that we have seen by the EU, the anger in the European Union, member states, public opinion, I think that may also be a factor that will determine how we are responding to (the membership application)," he explained.

"If you look at the origins of some of these deadlocks, there are a large number of people who are ready to lay down their lives for the European perspective that was at the heart of the Maidan demonstrations (in Kyiv in 2013-14)," he continued.

"I think in any deal that President Zelenskiy might reach with President Putin, seeking guarantees, or getting guarantees if you will, that there is support, understanding for Ukraine that is one day part of the European Union, is likely to be very important to the people. Ukraine," he said.

To note, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa on Monday expressed "full support" for a faster EU membership procedure for Ukraine. Meanwhile, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said it was necessary to give a clear signal that Ukraine was accepted, the CTK news agency quoted him as saying on Monday.