Reported By GP Ansor, Roy Suryo Get Legal Assistance From PERHAKHI

JAKARTA – Roy Suryo was reported by GP Ansor to Polda Metro Jaya for spreading slander through his twitter media account. On his twitter account, Roy uploaded a video of Yaqut Cholil Qoumas' statement during a lecture in Pekanbaru and explained about setting up mosque loudspeakers.

Roy explained that he uploaded a video of Yaqut in order to clarify whether the video of Yaqut's statement regarding the polemic over the sounding of the call to prayer was genuine or a fabricated one.

Facing this situation, the PERHAKHI Legal Aid Center (Association of Indonesian Legal Advisors and Consultants) ensured that it would provide Legal Assistance and Assistance to Roy Suryo.

Through the release received, PERHAKHI wrote 14 points as the basis for defending the telematics expert and former Minister of Sports, Roy Suryo.




"The action taken by Roy Suryo on February 24, 2024 made a complaint at the Polda Metro Jaya a legal right of every citizen and is guaranteed by a Constitutional Law." the contents of the PERHAKHI statement received Monday, February 28.

PERHAKHI assessed that Roy Suryo's tweet regarding the controversial video that had been circulating in the community was a study and research related to public questions regarding the authenticity of the video.

Roy Suryo is also considered an expert in the field (ITE/Telematics Expert) of course has the authority to explain and answer public questions so that there is no confusion regarding the authenticity of the video according to his expertise.