This Is The Sadistic Look Of A Criminal With A Knife, Who Grabbed The Hand Of A PPSU Officer In Kelapa Gading

JAKARTA - A joint team from the Kelapa Gading Police and the North Jakarta Metro Police have arrested four teenage boys suspected of being robbers on Jalan Acordion, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. The four alleged victims were Aris Panjriansyah (38), an officer for the Handling of Public Infrastructure and Facilities (PPSU), who was robbed on Tuesday, February 22.

"The Criminal Investigation Unit together with the Jatanras Polres have arrested the perpetrators of the robbery against PPSU officers," said Head of Kelapa Gading Police Commissioner Rio Mikael Tobing, when confirmed, Sunday, February 27.

Rio said the four perpetrators were now taken to the Kelapa Gading Police Headquarters, North Jakarta, for further processing.

"Currently we are doing development. In the near future we will reveal this case, thank you," he said.

Previously, PPSU officer Aris Panjriansyah was the victim of a robbery on Jalan Arcodion, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta on Tuesday, February 22, morning. The incident began when the victim, who was riding a motorcycle, was chased by a group of people armed with sharp knives, until they finally stopped at the scene.

The victim had time to fight back, but the slash of the sickle swung by the perpetrator made the victim helpless after parrying it. The perpetrator's sickle landed on the right and left palms, suddenly the victim screamed in pain and asked for help.

Residents and security then tried to help and bring the victim to the security post. The perpetrators had come to the post and attacked before finally leaving the victim.