Collaborating With Pelita Harapan University Coordinating Minister For Airlangg Launches G20 Studies Center

JAKARATA - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto inaugurated the launch of the G20 Studies Center which is the result of a collaboration between the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and Pelita Harapan University.

The establishment of the G20 Studies Center was carried out because the G20 is the right forum to build a dialogue of ideas and innovations as well as to establish cooperation between the academic community and stakeholders.

Future-oriented development with the principle of sustainability is important for the lives of future generations. For this reason, the Government prepares the younger generation to be able to respond to the new trends in development as well as to respond to the existing global challenges.

Today's global challenges such as geo-political turmoil, the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and digitalization, Indonesia continues to be committed to promoting progressive policies by maximizing its role in the G20 Presidency in 2022.

At this momentum of the G20 Indonesia Presidency, the Government also involves the participation of the younger generation in Engagement Groups Youth20 (Y20).

“The G20 Studies Center was formed with the aim of producing a legacy of knowledge for future generations. I am proud and grateful to the leadership of Pelita Harapan University, the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, and the executives of the G20 Studies Center Indonesia for finally realizing this launch," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga at the launch of the G20 Studies Center, Friday, February 25.

During the G20 Presidency, Coordinating Minister Airlangga said that Indonesia was taking a new approach by trying to deliver tangible results, bringing the business community closer to policy makers, and ensuring coherence in the agenda promoted by Working Groups and Engagement Groups.

The General Chair of the Golkar Party DPP also said that the Government would work inclusively and collaboratively to advance an agenda that is relevant to all that is in line with the theme of the Indonesian G20 Presidency, namely Recover Together, Recover Stronger.

"In the future, I believe that the G20 Studies Center Indonesia can become the first university-based G20 Studies Center in Indonesia and in the region," Airlangga concluded.

The government hopes that the G20 Studies Center can also respond to new geo-political and geo-economic studies in the post-Covid-19 environment. The G20 Studies Center is also expected to be able to involve and bring in global experts to support Indonesia's G20 Presidency.