5 Ways To Improve The Quality Of Sexual Relations After Marriage

JAKARTA - As a married couple, having a sex life that remains 'hot' is certainly the most desirable thing. Moreover, you and your partner already know each other, so your sex life should be better from day to day.

However, it is undeniable that busyness every day can affect sexual life. Tiredness of working at home, or in the office, taking care of children, financial problems or other problems, can affect the desire to have sex.

Even so, sex should not be placed as the last "business" to be done when all the burdens of life come. Even if sex problems with your partner have been unhealthy for a long time, it's not too late to fix them. There are many ways that can be done and applied with a partner. Launching Psychology Today, Friday, February 25, here are five best ways to improve the quality of sexual relations after marriage.

Talk more about sex

According to research, men report almost always having an orgasm, but feel more satisfied when they talk about the details of sex with their partner. Meanwhile, women reported that they did not orgasm as much as men, but experienced more orgasms during sex or when discussing sexual content.

Discussion about sexual desire

Discuss sex outside the bedroom, as a regular part of improving the overall quality of your relationship. Talk about what you do during sex and what it means, what you and your partner want, what you like, what you don't like, when is the best time to have sex, when you don't want sex, what are your fantasies, what do you do? tastes good, what doesn't, and so on. Talking about the relationship without discussing sex can increase overall relationship satisfaction, but it is not correlated with sexual satisfaction itself.

Making plans

When your partner is both busy, plan to hook up. Indeed, there are many couples who may not want scheduled sex time because it seems stiff. However, let's go back to our point of view. We can make plans as attractive as spontaneous sex. Flirting all day or setting a sex date can help.

Don't ignore your partner

Grumbling or ignoring your partner during the day can ruin your chances for a positive lovemaking experience at night.

Give a pause

Don't be in too much of a hurry to fix. Give a break of 1-2 days and then start again with your partner. Remember that it's not about quantity but about quality.