Stab 4 People Then Burn Neighbor's House, Man In North Tapanuli, North Sumatra Suicide Drinking Poison

MEDAN - A man with the initials THS (42) in North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, committed suicide by drinking poison. The action was carried out after THS was desperate to slash 4 neighbors with a machete.

In addition, THS also burned 1 house of the victim who was persecuted. The four victims who were hacked by THS were Kompader Hutagalung (51), Epe Tambunan (69), Tardas Dante Sitompul (61) and Hotmiang Panggabean (43).

North Tapanuli Police Chief AKBP Ronald Sipayung, through the Head of Public Relations Aiptu W Baringbing, said the incident occurred on Friday, February 25 at around 02.00 WIB.

The incident began when the THS perpetrators came to the house of the Epi Tambunan victim by banging on the door.

"Then the victim opened the door and was immediately hacked by the perpetrator using a machete or cleaver and the victim was injured," said Aiptu Baringbing, Friday, February 25.

The perpetrator then went to Tardas Dante Sitompul's house which was next to him. There, the perpetrators broke open the door of his house.

"After opening, the perpetrator slashed the victim, and his wife Hitmiang Panggabean suffered head injuries," said Aiptu Baringbing.

Still not satisfied, the perpetrator broke down the door of Kompader Hutagalung's house next to him. When the door was opened, Kompader Hutagalung and his wife Kristina Sitompul held the door so that the perpetrators could not enter the house.

"When pushing and pushing on the door, the perpetrator slashed the hand of Kompader Sitompul," said Aiptu Baringbing.

However, because the perpetrator could not enter the house of the victim Kompader Hutagalung, the perpetrator then took the gasoline that had been prepared in advance. The perpetrators then threw it so that the victim's house was burned.

"When the house was on fire, Kompader's victim and his wife ran from behind and screamed for help. Residents also came and tried to extinguish the fire so it wouldn't spread to other houses. Some other residents took the victim who was stabbed to the health center for treatment," he said. Aiptu Baringbing.

After carrying out the action, the perpetrator who was satisfied fled in front of his house. The perpetrator drank insecticide poison until he finally died.

"From the results of our team's interrogation in the field, it is strongly suspected that the perpetrators had already prepared a plan for the persecution and arson to his neighbors," he said.

Aiptu Baringbing explained that the alleged planning was proven by the finding of machetes, matches, gasoline and poison in the perpetrator's bag.

Currently, the four victims of the persecution are still being treated at the Pahae Jas Health Center. Meanwhile, the perpetrator's body has been handed over to his family.

Regarding the motive of the perpetrator who was desperate to slash and burn his neighbor's house, Aiptu Baringbing said that from the results of the police investigation, the suspect was desperate to slash and burn his neighbor's house due to debts.

"From the results of the investigation, (related to) debts," he said.