A Flashback To Indra Kenz's Lifestyle Sharing Cash Before The Binomo Case

JAKARTA - After conducting an examination for approximately 7 hours, finally the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes of the Indonesian National Police Bareskrim plans to detain Indra Kenz or Indra Kesuma today, Friday, February 25. The detention plan was carried out after the determination of Indra Kenz as a suspect in a suspected fraud case under the guise of Binomo binary options trading.

Indra Kenz is nicknamed by netizens as crazy rich Medan because he has several businesses ranging from trading courses, beauty clinics, food businesses, and clothing lines. He also owns a company called PT Disotiv Citra Digital which is engaged in the creative world such as digital marketing and videography.

It is not legal to become a sultan if you have not distributed the money. Around the middle of last year, Indra's name skyrocketed after holding ikenz-ikenzan inspired by Arief Muhammad's content. The purpose of these Ikenz-ikenzan is to share sustenance and business capital to ease the burden on the community in the midst of PPKM. Unmitigated, he prepared IDR 500 million in cash.

Indra considers that this positive trend is a way to share sustenance and happiness with people in need. He also does not care about other people's views regarding this ikenz-ikenzan.

Indra Kesuma said that this activity was a good thing. So that he also doesn't feel wrong when posting this sustenance sharing activity.

“Sharing posted is good, sharing and posting is also not wrong. What's wrong is if you don't share, but make fun of people who share. Yes, the point is that as long as the intentions are good and to share, it will definitely be a blessing for both the giver and the recipient of sustenance," he said in a written statement.

After Ikenz-ikenzan, Indrakenz returned to share his fortune by holding a fun guessing event with some friends. The pattern of the game is simple, whoever guesses the location of the money in his hand, will be given IDR 10 million. Not to forget, Indra also offers to share sustenance with his followers. He asks followers to write what they need most in the comments column and the money will be transferred.

"The year 2022 is the most exciting when you share your sustenance hehe. From my experience so far, the more we share, the more food comes. The money will never run out if we share it, it just adds to it. Try to write below what do you need? I will transfer it to you right away," Indra wrote.

On February 10, at least five influencers had been summoned by the Investment Alert Task Force (SWI) regarding the Binomo promotion. The five influencers are Indra Kesuma (Indra Kenz), Doni Muhammad Taufik (Doni Salmanan), Erwin Laisuman, Vincent Raditya, and Kenneth William. And Friday, February 25, Indra Kenz was officially named a fraud suspect.