14 Health Centers Return Rp1.4 Billion Healthcare Incentives To Bintan Kejari

BINTAN - A total of 14 puskesmas returned overpayment of incentives for COVID-19 health workers worth Rp. 1.4 billion to the Bintan District Attorney (Kejari), Riau Islands.

The nominal amount of money returned by each puskesmas is different. This return is the second time that the 14 heads of the puskesmas have done this. Previously, they had also returned Rp504 million to the Bintan Kejari.

"So the total that has been returned so far is Rp. 1.9 billion," said Bintan Chief Prosecutor I Wayan Riana, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 24.

Wayan said the total disbursement of incentives for COVID-19 health workers in 14 health centers throughout Bintan for the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years was IDR 7 billion.

Of the total funds sourced from the Bintan APBD, he said, there was an overpayment of Rp. 2.1 billion.

"So the money that has not been returned is around Rp. 219 million. That is from the Teluk Sebong Health Center, and they are committed to returning it as soon as possible," said Wayan.

Wayan said that the refund could not be considered a state loss, because the return process was carried out before the Bintan Kejari conducted an investigation.

The value of the overpayment is known from the calculation of the Kepri High Court Auditor Team (Kejati).

"Whether after this return, the legal process or not, we will ask for instructions to the Kepri Kejati," he said.

The money that had been returned, Wayan continued, was immediately put into the regional treasury of the Bintan Regency Government.