It Turns Out That After Being Stabbed By Scissors By Two Assassins, Vicky Firlana Is Still Trying To Escape

JAKARTA - The police carried out a reconstruction of the Vicky Firlana murder case at the Kober TPU, Ulujami, South Jakarta. In this activity, two suspects namely MYL (18) and DR (22) demonstrated 22 scenes when killing Vicky. Based on observations at the location, Leli (38), the mastermind behind the murder of Vicky Firlana was also present.

The Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, explained that of the 22 scenes that the suspect acted out, the scene where the victim was stabbed by a pair of scissors was ranked 13th.

"So the reconstruction is how the series of events carried out by the perpetrators, as well as several witnesses. Then we match the information given during our examination," Ridwan told reporters at the Kober TPU, Ululjami, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 24, afternoon.

Ridwan said, in this scene there are a number of new facts that were not previously disclosed in detail, namely when the perpetrator entered from a different door. In fact, said Ridwan, the victim had put up a fight.

"Two people who carried out the execution with the brains of the culprit came from different sides (and) the victim had time to fight. When he was left lying, he (the victim) had several times wanted to get up and shift to save himself," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the police had uncovered the case of Vicky Firlana's murder by naming three people as suspects, MYL (18), DR (22) and Leli (38). Leli (38) was the mastermind behind Vicky's murder, while MYL and DR were the executioners.

This murder case is based on blind jealousy. Vicky is known to be in a relationship with a woman with the initials HN. HN turns out to be in a relationship with Leli, who is also a woman. Police said the suspect Leli had a sexual disorder.