Balitbangkes Detects 60 Acehnese Probable Omicron

BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Health Research and Development Institute (Balitbangkes) detected that 60 residents of Indonesia's westernmost province were confirmed positive for the probable COVID-19 Omicron variant, so residents were asked to be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"From the 68 samples we examined, 60 samples were identified as probable Omicron. The distribution data is in the Aceh Health Office," said Head of the Aceh Research and Development Center, Fahmi Ichwansyah, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

The Aceh Research and Development Center has carried out S-Gene Target Failure (SGTF) to determine probable Omicron. He said, of the 68 swab samples that tested positive for COVID-19, only 60 samples were declared probable Omicron.

Therefore, he continued, a Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) examination was needed to confirm the 60 probable Omicron samples were positive for COVID-19, the Omicron variant or not.

"The samples identified as probable Omicron were handed over to the Aceh COVID-19 post to be sent to the national reference laboratory in Jakarta, to confirm Omicron," he said.

The Aceh Research and Development Center has started conducting SGTF examinations in the last few weeks. However, he said, the inspection had stopped in the past few days due to running out of reagent kits.

However, now his office is able to carry out SGTF checks again after receiving the assistance of three reagent kits from the COVID-19 reagent logistics department in Jakarta on Tuesday, February 22.

His party has also contacted the Aceh COVID-19 post and COVID-19 laboratory networks such as the Aceh Labkesda, Datu Beru Hospital Lab, Lhokseumawe City Healthcare Lab, Unsyiah FK-USK Lab, Langsa City Hospital Lab to send positive samples of COVID-19 to be checked for probable Omicron.

"If there are samples entered today, then tomorrow we will start again with the SGTF examination," said Fahmi.

Fahmi appealed to the people of Aceh to continue to apply health protocols, starting with the discipline of wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands, considering that Omicron can be said to have been detected in Tanah Rencong.

"The WGS results confirm that the sample is Omicron, but in general we can say that Omicron is already in Aceh," said Fahmi.