Geopolitic Discussion, Chair Of MPR Meets Lemhanas Governor Andi Widjajanto

JAKARTA - The chairman of the MPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo, met with the Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) Andi Widjajanto to ask for input related to the study of the Basic Principles of State Policy (PPHN) and the study of the national political map ahead of the 2045 Gold Indonesia owned by Lemhannas.

In addition, said Bamsoet, his party requested the assistance of Lemhannas to study the current and future world geopolitical conditions, as well as their impact on Indonesia now and in the future.

Bamsoet in his statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, said that Lemhannas has a very good reputation as a government institution, one of its duties is to conduct conceptual and strategic studies on various national, regional and international issues.

"The results of the study also have credibility because they come from thinkers with various scientific disciplines, both from the civilian and military circles," he said after meeting the Governor of Lemhannas Andi Widjajanto at the Lemhannas Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23.

Bamsoet explained that the MPR RI always involves Lemhannas in various discussions (FGD) and round table discussions (RTB) that discuss PPHN. In addition, Lemhannas is also actively holding FGDs in its office to discuss PPHN.

"The results of the Lemhannas study and the results of the Indonesian MPR's study on PPHN are very important to encourage the presence of PPHN as a guiding star so that development carried out between the center and the regions, as well as between one period of government to another period of government can remain harmonious and sustainable," he said.

He explained that Indonesia Emas 2045 is not a dream, but a shared vision that must be realized from now on.

Therefore, he sees the need for the role of all parties, especially Lemhannas that conducts a holistic study by looking at various aspects and relies on the Four Pillars of the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045, namely human development and mastery of science and technology (science and technology); sustainable economic development; equitable development; and strengthening of national resilience and governance.

Economically, said Bamsoet, by 2045 people want Indonesia to be ranked fifth as the country with the world's largest gross domestic product (GDP) with economic growth reaching 5.7 percent.

In addition, in 2045, GDP per capita will reach 23,199 US dollars, growth in the role of investment is 6.4 percent, growth of the role of industry is 6.3 percent, and growth of the role of agriculture is 3.2 percent.

Meanwhile, in the defense aspect, defense forces based on smart power must be supported by a defense budget of 1.5 percent of GDP. At the same time realizing a strong TNI and equipped with modern technological defense equipment, with an advanced and healthy national defense industry and becoming a major player in the global supply chain.

He said that Indonesia must also prepare to anticipate world geopolitical tensions, especially after the statement by US President Joe Biden which stated that the United States and its allies were ready to unite against Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Biden's remarks were in response to President Vladimir Putin's move to recognize two parts of East Ukraine controlled by separatist groups and deploy troops under the pretext of peacekeeping.

"Although we don't want war, as President Joko Widodo has emphasized, so that rivalry and tension in Ukraine must be stopped as soon as possible. However, we also must not be careless to anticipate every worst possibility that could happen," he said.

According to Bamsoet, various parties have warned, such as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's statement that if tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue, it could lead to the worst war in Europe since 1945.

During the meeting, he said, the Governor of Lemhannas revealed that in the short term Lemhannas had a mandate from President Joko Widodo to review national food sovereignty/security.

"At the same time deepening the development of the National Capital of the Archipelago (IKN Nusantara) in East Kalimantan to become a modern, high-tech, and environmentally friendly world city by not leaving the aspect of national resilience to respond to any threats that come, both from the military and non-military sides," he said.

To realize IKN Nusantara as a World City for All, President Joko Widodo conveyed that the development pattern has three main visions.

First, sustainable cities in the world that are safe and affordable, in harmony with nature, actively connected and accessible, circular and resilient, and low-carbon development. Second, the driving force of the Indonesian economy in the future. Third, become a symbol of national identity.

To realize the three main visions, said Bamoset, of course we need support from Lemhannas.