Spraying Lu's Brain Slightly Because Of Anies Baswedan's Satire, Geisz Is Considered To Have Minimal Logic, Just Cursing

JAKARTA - Geisz Chalifah was infuriated when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was quipped by the chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha.

Giring's satire to Anies followed the decision of the Jakarta Administrative Court which ordered Anies to dredge the Mampang River. Giring said, is it only through the court that Anies can work? Apparently Geisz did not accept.

Instead of responding to Giring's criticism, the Commissioner of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol actually hurled insults at Giring. Geisz said like this, "Hey, loser, you have goat guts, when do you dare to have an open debate with me. You can also post debates about issues that you post," said Geiz via Twitter (@GeiszChalifah).

A lecturer at the University of Indonesia (UI) Ade Armando considered that Geisz should have answered Giring's criticism substantially rather than issuing such curses.

"This Geisz doesn't look very smart, cursing. If he wants to reply to Giring's sarcasm, let's get into the substance. If Geisz is good at satire, that's what he has to answer, but how come he insults Giring as a loser with a lot of guts and a big brain? This is a bit sickening. , "explained Ade Armando via Youtube CokroTV, Tuesday, February 22.

Ade added, Geisz's explosive character is clearly inversely proportional to Anies Baswedan, who wants to sound cool, and answers various criticisms with logic. Or, according to Ade, Anies' anger has indeed spiked because he is often criticized but ordered Geisz to go to the arena.

Anies should have been able to use a row of smart people sitting in the TGUPP chair to answer various criticisms of the performance of the DKI Provincial Government. Ade suspects that a figure like Geisz is placed to paralyze substantive dialogue or divert the topic to things that are less important.

"The function of people like Geisz is to paralyze conversation. In talk shows, people like Geisz can appear for half an hour but don't even talk about substantive things. He just babbles, and that's how he distracts from the main issues. people like Gaisz are examples of those who talk without common sense," explained Ade.

Previously, the Secretary of the DKI Jakarta Water Resources Service (SDA) Dudi Gardesi claimed that his party was carrying out dredging work for the Mampang River.

This is in response to the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). The Jakarta Administrative Court Panel of Judges sentenced DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to dredge the Mampang River completely. This decision follows up on a lawsuit that was won by residents who were flood victims in early 2021 around Mampang River.

"Actually, whether there is a lawsuit or not, so far the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has worked on all the points that are the plaintiff's demands," said Dudi Gardesi in a written statement quoted on Saturday, February 19.

"Some are still in progress in the field and some have already been done. All efforts made by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in flood prevention are part of the on-going program," he added.