When Hail Hail Occurs In Surabaya To Semarang, Cumulonimbus Cloud Cells Are Detected By BMKG

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) detected Cumulonimbus (Cb) cloud cells along Java Island when hail occurred in Surabaya (East Java), Semarang (Central Java), and Cianjur (West Java) Monday afternoon earlier.

"Cb cloud cells were detected along Java to Bali, NTB and NTT," said the Head of the BMKG Center for Public Meteorology, Fachri Radjab, who was contacted in Jakarta, Monday, February 21, quoted from Antara.

The phenomenon of hail can occur triggered by a convective pattern in the atmosphere on a significant local-regional scale.

Hail can be formed from a Cumulonimbus (Cb) type convective cloud system which generally has towering dimensions which indicate that there is significant air lability in the cloud system so that it can form ice grains in clouds with a size large enough.

The large dimensions of the ice grains and the strong flow of air falling in the Cb cloud system or what is known as the "downdraft" can cause the ice grains of quite large size that are formed at the top of the Cb cloud to descend to the cloud base to exit the cloud and become a hail phenomenon. .

The significant "downdraft" speed of Cb clouds can cause ice grains that come out of the clouds not to melt quickly in the air, and even fall to the earth's surface still in the form of ice grains known as hail phenomena.

BMKG appealed to the public to be aware of the possibility of potential extreme weather, such as hail, waterspouts, heavy rain accompanied by lightning, and strong winds until next March-April.

The phenomenon of hail rain along with heavy rain and accompanied by strong winds occurred in a number of areas in Surabaya City, East Java, Monday afternoon.

In addition to Surabaya, hail has occurred in the Tembalang area, Semarang City, following heavy rains that hit the capital city of Central Java Province. Similar incidents also took place in two sub-districts in Cianjur, West Java.