Five Districts In Pekanbaru City Enter The Red Zone Of COVID-19, Here's The List

PEKANBARU - Pekanbaru City Health Office noted that five sub-districts and 61 urban villages were again in the red zone status for COVID-19 transmission. The public must remain disciplined in health protocols.

"This is in accordance with the results of mapping the COVID-19 risk zone for the period 20 to 26 February 2022," said Pekanbaru City Health Service Head Zaini Rizaldy Saragih in Pekanbaru, Antara, Monday, February 21.

The five COVID-19 red zone sub-districts with a high risk of transmission are Binawidya, Bukit Raya, Marpoyan Damai, Rumbai, and Tenayan Raya sub-districts.

"Meanwhile, 10 other sub-districts have the status of an orange zone with a moderate level of risk of transmission, namely the Districts of Kulim, Limapuluh, Payung Sekaki, Pekanbaru City, West Rumbai, East Rumbai, Sail, Senapelan, Sukajadi and Tuah Madani," said Zaini.

Meanwhile, the 61 red zone villages consist of West Sidomulyo, West Tangkerang, Rejo Sari, East Sidomulyo, North Tangkerang, Tuah Karya, Tangkerang Labuai, Delima, Central Tangkerang, East Labuhbaru, Air Hitam, South Tangkerang, Limbungan Baru, Sialang Munggu, Simpang Three, Maharatu, Handsome, West Labuhbaru, Sekip and Suka Maju.

Then East Tangkerang, Tobek Godang, Umban Sari, Wonorejo, Simpang Baru, Lembah Sari, Pematang Kapau, Cold Water, Coastal, Tanjung Rhu, Suka Mulia, Marpoyan Stop, Sukajadi, Kampung Melayu, Middle Village, Sri Meranti, Bencah Lesung, Padang Moon, Rintis, Yellow Bamboo, Valley of Peace and Terubuk Padang.

Furthermore, Tirta Siak, Kedung Sari, Bandar Raya, Kampung Baru, Rumbai Bukit, Simpang Empat, Cinta Raja, Limbungan, Sialang Sakti, Air Putih, Tuah Madani, Jadirejo, Agrotourism, Harjosari, Pebatuan, Kampung Bandar Bina Widya, Kota Baru, and Palas.

"Meanwhile, 12 more urban villages have orange zone status, 9 yellow zones and 1 green zone village, namely Sungai Ukai Village," said Zaini.

Therefore, he asked the public to always be disciplined in health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands frequently in daily activities.

Currently, there are 253 daily cases of COVID-19 in Pekanbaru City as of February 21, 2022, with two patients dying.