Jerome Polin Story Rejects Endorse Trading, Netizens Salute

JAKARTA - Jerome Polin is a YouTuber who is known by the public, especially Gen-Z. Therefore, he has a great influence in displaying something, including during endorsements.

Recently, Jerome shared his experience when he received an endorsement for a gambling application. However, he refused endorsements for matters related to the topic.

"I'm often offered endorsements of several binary options applications, they've already provided screen records, then I'll just act, 'oh my money is increasing,'" said Jerome.

As a content creator with millions of subscribers, Jerome Polin often gets big offers. But he is committed not to accept any job related to gambling.

“Honestly, their budget is really big. The endorsement money is no joke, but my team and I are committed not to accept endorsements that are gambling or gambling," he said.

It didn't take long, the tweet was deleted from Jerome's Twitter account. On the other hand, many netizens claim to salute the creator's principles.

"Wow, this is so blunt, wkw... But I really salute you for not taking something like this," said a netizen.

"Keep up your honesty, Jerome :( because influencers are rarely honest when it comes to endorsements," said another to Jerome Polin.