COVID-19 Patients In Palangka Raya City Reach 1,338 People

PALANGKA RAYA - Mayor of Palangka Raya, Fairid Naparin, said the number of COVID-19 patients in the city had reached 1,338 after the addition of 165 positive cases.

"Last data yesterday, there was an addition of 165 positive people. So the accumulation of residents who are still infected with COVID-19 until today is 1,338 people," said Palangka Raya Mayor, in Palangka Raya on Saturday, February 19.

For this reason, he asked the local community to continue to implement strict health protocols. Moreover, some cases are new transmissions and others are close contact or exposure from close family members.

Based on data from the Palangka Raya City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, in the local area it was recorded that since the first case was discovered in early 2020, the accumulation of positive patients infected with the Coronavirus reached 14,646 cases.

Of that number, as many as 12,788 or 87.31 percent of patients were declared cured and 520 others died. This situation has caused Palangka Raya City to re-implement PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) Level 3. In fact, due to the increase in positive cases, several schools in urban areas that are included in the red zone are asked to implement distance learning.

On the other hand, as an effort to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19, the Palangka Raya City Government, through the task force team, continues to make various efforts, ranging from socialization, early detection, security to case handling.

The government and various related parties are also intensifying vaccinations to increase the body's resistance to exposure to the virus.

His party will also enforce regulations for implementing health protocols strictly. Any party found to have committed a violation will be subject to sanctions by applicable regulations.

Mayor Fairid also invited people in the Central Kalimantan Province Capital Region not to be careless in implementing health protocols such as maintaining distance, not crowding, diligently washing hands using soap or hand sanitizer, and always wearing masks.