The Number Drops Drastically, Australia Lists Koalas In The List Of Endangered Animals

JAKARTA - Australia has listed the koala as an endangered species on much of its east coast, after a dramatic decline in numbers.

The once thriving marsupials have been damaged by land clearing, forest fires, drought, disease and other threats.

The Australian Federal Government announced that the list includes Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

In addition, the Federal Government has been urged to do more to protect koalas from their rapidly diminishing habitat, as well as the effects of climate change.

The species was listed as "vulnerable" in the state and territory only in 2012. Despite the rapid decline, the government has been accused of being hesitant.

"This list adds to the priority in terms of koala conservation," said Environment Minister Sussan Ley.

He said officials were designing recovery plans, and land development applications would now be assessed for their impact on the species.

Last year, a New South Wales investigation found koalas will become extinct there by 2050, unless urgent action is taken.

One cause is thought to be the wildfires of the dark summer of 2019-2020, in which around 5,000 are estimated to have died and affected 24 per cent of New South Wales' habitat.

This has led Australia's largest koala conservation group to say that there may now be as few as 50,000 animals left in the wild.

"Koalas have gone from unlisted to vulnerable to endangered within a decade. That's a very rapid decline," said conservation scientist Stuart Blanch of WWF-Australia.

"Today's decision is welcome, but it will not stop koalas from sliding towards extinction unless it is accompanied by stronger laws and incentives for landowners to protect their forest homes," he said.

To note, scientists warn climate change will also exacerbate forest fires, drought and reduce the quality of eucalyptus leaf food.

Koalas are also found in South Australia and Victoria but their numbers are declining nationally, according to conservation groups.