This Year, Village Funds In Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Reduced By IDR 9 Billion

REJANG LEBONG - The Village and Community Empowerment Service (PMD) of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province said the amount of Village Funds received this year was Rp. 104 billion.

This amount was reduced by Rp. 9 billion compared to 2021, which was Rp. 113 billion. Head of the Rejang Lebong PMD Service, Suradi Rifai, said that currently the disbursement of Village Funds (DD) received by 122 villages in Rejang Lebong Regency was still in the process of issuing a Decree (SK) of the Rejang Lebong Regent regarding the Determination of the 2022 Village Fund.

"The amount of Village Funds received by 122 villages in the district in 2022 is more than IDR 104 billion, this amount has decreased by IDR 9 billion compared to village funds received by Rejang Lebong Regency in 2021 which amounted to more than IDR 113 billion," he said in Rejang Lebong, Antara, Friday. , February 18th.

He explained that the reduced amount of village funds received by the region affected the allocation to each village. However, this is very understandable considering the central financial condition that is being sucked in for handling COVID.

The village funds disbursed by the central government this year, he said, were only for priority activities as regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Permendes PDTT) Number 7/2021 concerning Priority Use of Village Funds in 2022, then Presidential Decree Number 104/2021 concerning Details of the 2022 State Budget.

"The Village Fund for 2022 is 40 percent for direct cash assistance or BLT, 20 percent for food security programs, 8 percent for handling COVID-19 and 32 percent for physical development activities and community empowerment," said Suradi.

He hopes that the Village Fund sourced from the APBN plus the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) sourced from the APBD of Rejang Lebong Regency which will be received by each village can later be used as well as possible so that it can advance the village.