Senate Reluctant To Vote, Bill Banning Hijab In Sports Takes To French National Assembly

JAKARTA - A bill that would ban the wearing of the hijab or headscarf in sporting competitions will be forwarded to the French National Assembly after the Senate on Wednesday refused to vote on the bill.

The broader bill is devoted to 'democratizing sport', including how major sports federations are regulated. But, it does include the clause, which was previously attached as an amendment by the conservative-dominated upper house. Establishing the use of 'flagrant religious symbols prohibited' in events and competitions organized by sporting federations.

However, the move is opposed by the centrist government of President Emmanuel Macron and his allies, which hold a majority in the National Assembly, which has the final say.

The place of religion and the wearing of religious symbols in public is a matter of long-standing controversy in France, a staunchly secular nation and home to Europe's largest Muslim minority.

The identity and position of Islam in French society is becoming a hot issue ahead of April's presidential election, with two far-right candidates whose nationalist programs question the compatibility of Islam, with Republican values garnering nearly 35 percent of voter support between them.

President Macron's government was quick to condemn the amendments. Given that the majority is held by his party and its allies in the lower house, the amendments are likely to be removed from the broader bill.

"Our enemy is radical Islamism, not Islam," said Marlene Schiappa, Junior Minister for Citizenship, citing Rueters Feb. 17.

France will host the Summer Olympics in 2024 and critics of the law have questioned how it will affect protocol at the Games, which will include conservative Muslim countries, if adopted.

Right-wing senator Stéphane Piednoir said the Olympic Charter provided political and religious neutrality.

"We cannot compromise secularism and France cannot weaken the Olympic movement," Piednoir told the upper house.

She said the bill was designed to allow "all women to participate in sporting competitions without any distinction, without any sign of discrimination, without the symbols associated with the veil which we know is a political tool".

To note, the Olympic Charter states that "no political, religious, or racial demonstration or propaganda is permitted on any Olympic site, venue or area."