KPK Asks Judges In Azis Syamsuddin Case To Be Fair And Independent, What's Up?

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) hopes that the judges will be fair and independent when passing a verdict against former Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin regarding the alleged bribery case in Central Lampung.

Acting KPK Spokesman Ali Fikri said independence was important so that sentencing met aspects of community justice.

"We believe that the panel of judges in this case is fair and independent in examining and deciding this case," Ali told reporters in a written statement, Thursday, February 17.

"The principle of independence of judges is very important, which means that when deciding a case, the justice aspect of the community will be seriously considered," he added.

Furthermore, Ali believes that Azis will be found guilty at the verdict hearing which will be held today, Thursday, February 17. Moreover, the facts and evidence of the alleged bribery committed by the former deputy chairman of the Golkar Party have been presented by the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU).

"We are optimistic that based on legal facts and evidence that has been shown by the KPK prosecutor team in front of the panel of judges, the defendant will be found guilty according to law," he said.

However, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) refuses to intervene with judges regarding the sentence to be handed down. "Regarding the sentence, of course, the panel of judges has the full authority," said Ali. As previously reported, the reading of the verdict against former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Muhammad Azis Syamsuddin was delayed on Monday, February 14. The reason is that the chairman of the panel of judges was exposed to COVID-19.

In this case, Azis was sentenced to 4 years and 2 months in prison plus a fine of Rp. 250 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison, because he was deemed proven to have given bribes of Rp. 3,099 billion and US$ 36 thousand, bringing the total to around Rp. 3,619 billion to former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju and an advocate. Husayn Mask.

Azis tried to prevent himself and Aliza Gunado from being suspects by the KPK by asking for help from KPK investigators and being introduced to Stepanus Robin, who has been a KPK investigator since August 15, 2019 from the National Police.

The total bribes given by Azis Syamsuddin to Stepanus Robin Pattuju and Maskur Husain were IDR 3,099,887,000.00 and USD 36,000, respectively.