Omicron Variant Enters 4 Regencies Of Papua Province, Starting From Jayapura, Merauke, Jayawijaya And Biak

PAPUA - The Omicron COVID-19 variant was reported to have been found in four areas in Papua Province, namely Jayapura City, Merauke Regency, Jayawijaya and Biak Regency.

Spokesperson for the Papua COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Silwanus Sumule admitted that from the reports received, 76 cases of Omicron were found in the four areas and the most were in Jayapura City, namely 69 cases.

"In addition to Omicron, the Papua Balitbangkes also reported the discovery of a case of the Delta variant in Merauke," he explained in Jayapura, Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

For this reason, his party hopes that the health protocols are really implemented, especially when doing activities outside the home. In addition, for those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, immediately visit the vaccination booth to be vaccinated.

COVID-19 cases have been on the rise again since last January. Cases are found in 12 districts, Papua. As of Sunday, February 13, there were 2,896 people who were being treated in hospitals, centralized quarantine or self-isolation.

He added that the 12 districts and cities whose citizens were exposed to COVID-19 were Jayapura City and District, Jayawijaya District, Mimika, Merauke, Biak, Boven Digul, Mappi, Yapen Islands, Asmat, Nabire, and Kab. Paniai.

"Meanwhile, districts and cities in Papua that have prepared a centralized quarantine are Jayapura City which is located at the LPMP Kotaraja and Merauke Regency at the Akad Hotel," said Silwanus Sumule.