Novi Amelia's Records In The Police Are The Basis Of The Investigation, Why She Fell From The 8th Floor Of The Kalibata City Apartment

Before reading, please note that this article does not teach readers to make an early suicide attempt. If you have suicidal thoughts, don't hesitate to contact the nearest psychologist and psychiatrist. Visit safe first aid for people with suicidal thoughts at

JAKARTA - Police are still investigating the death of Novi Amelia, who fell from the 8th floor of the Kalibata City Apartment, South Jakarta. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, said there were still many allegations of suicide. Especially Novi Amelia's track record in the police a few years ago.

“We saw that some said he was depressed, some said he was using drugs. Based on all of that, we are still conducting an investigation to prove the cause until he took this action," Ridwan told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, February 16.

Ridwan said he had examined several witnesses at the scene. To find out the truth of the incident.

"There are 3 to 4 (temporary) witnesses. With his own brother, he was not very detailed in conveying the background of him committing the bundir (suicide). But there are some close relatives that we are currently examining," he said.

For information, Novi Amelia is her stage name in the modeling world. It was reported that Linda Astuti alias Novi Amelia had tried to commit suicide but failed.

Wednesday, February 16, at around 05.00 WIB, Novi Amelia lay lifeless in the Kalibata City Apartment, South Jakarta. He allegedly committed suicide, jumping from the 8th floor of his apartment.

AKBP Ridwan Soplanit said that before Novi Amelia jumped in, local security officers saw Novi near the apartment window.

"He (security) saw someone sitting outside the wall, a list of the walls next to the 8th floor window of the apartment," said Ridwan.

"Security was able to break up screaming from below, maybe it wasn't audible because it was too high. Then in a short time, the person dropped down, to the ground floor in front of the parking lot," he continued.

Ridwan said the victim was found dead wearing almost naked clothes or only underwear. In addition, he said the victim had injuries from the head to the face.

“(It fell and) the impact from above hit the new canopy building which fell on the rear windshield of the car in the parking lot. The wound was on the head, thigh (and) face," he said.