Supporting The G20 Series In Jakarta, PLN Guarantees Electricity Without Blackouts

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN has prepared reliable electricity supply and electricity infrastructure at several locations on the G20 Finance Track agenda in Jakarta. PLN is committed to providing Zero Down Time (ZDT) services, the same as previous international events, namely the Asian Games and Asian Paragames in 2018.

General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit for Greater Jakarta, Doddy B. Pangaribuan said, so far, PLN has made several preparations such as inspection of substations and cables, as well as mobilization of supporting equipment for network reinforcement in several locations to ensure reliable electricity without flickering during the implementation of activities.

These include the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Mulia Hotel, Fairmont Hotel, Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Plataran Senayan City Forest, and Jakarta International Stadium (JIS).

Doddy said PLN supplies these locations using 2 to 4 layers of power sources with a total power of 29 Mega Volt Ampere (MVA). The supply substations have also been equipped with Automatic Change-Over (ACO) so that if the main power source is interrupted, it will be immediately transferred to a backup power source.

"In addition to equipping substations with ACO, we also provide 6 units of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with a total power of 1,600 kiloVolt Ampere (kVA) and 1 unit of Genset with a power of 600 kVA as back-up equipment in the event of a disturbance in the main supply", he said in an official statement, Wednesday, February 16.

Doddy explained that the use of UPS to support electricity is also in line with the agreement between PLN and the Gelora Bung Karno Complex Management Center (PPKGBK), which is to create a Green Zone in the GBK area by utilizing environmentally friendly energy from PLN because it does not cause air and noise pollution.

Not only that, but Doddy also explained that the electricity was in a safe condition. DKI Jakarta itself is supplied from 6 subsystems with a total capacity of 11,093 Megawatts (MW) and the highest peak load in 2022, which is 5,034 MW.

PLN is also preparing the electrical reliability of supporting facilities for self-isolation for participants in the G20 activities who are indicated or have symptoms of COVID-19, namely at the Grand Cempaka Hotel.

"We hope that this activity can run safely and smoothly. In terms of electricity, we will try our best to control the reliability of electricity for the G20 series", said Doddy.

As is known, Indonesia itself will host 345 meeting agendas in a series of G20 activities starting from December 1, 2021, to November 2022.