Plus Dorce Gamalama, These 5 Artists Died After Talking With Denny Sumargo

JAKARTA - Denny Sumargo is an athlete who is also known as a YouTuber. The content, which contains talk sessions with artists, is in great demand by the people of Indonesia.

Denny is known to talk a lot with many celebrities and his YouTube channel is a place to talk exclusively. Among a series of guest stars, there are five public figures who have passed away, who are they? Listen here:

Vanessa Angel

Vanessa Angel is one of the guests on Denny Sumargo's YouTube channel. The star of the Ballad of a Crazy Couple explained that Vanessa was the first party to attend Denny's broadcast. At that time, Denny said, "I asked God in my heart, what the hell do you want me to do for them?" the answer is the siniar.

Aunt Ardiansyah

Aunt and Vanessa did not know Denny Sumargo and vice versa. However, through the broadcast, both of them were very open about Vanessa's controversy and their lives. Bibi also revealed a message for Gala through Denny Sumargo.

Laura Anna

The day before she died, Laura Anna met with Denny Sumargo to make a broadcast. However, the atmosphere became sad after Laura was declared dead on Wednesday, December 15, 2021.

"Because we just met last night but there is news like this. I'm confused about how to react to it, what should I do, I'm really blank. I like being confused. I don't know this person but it's sad. I wonder why. I don't know either," said Denny.

Mbak You

The psychic Mbak You was present on Denny Sumargo's broadcast and talked about the year 2021. On July 1, he passed away after experiencing shortness of breath and the audience reminisced about the conversation with Denny.

Dorce Gamalama

Dorce Gamalama was present on Denny Sumargo's broadcast at the end of January. He tells a lot about his career and his current condition. Denny also had time to ask about the funeral process that Dorce wanted.

"This is a controversial question, if you don't want to answer that's okay. If you later pass away, we don't know when, what do you want to die as?" asked Denny.

"As I am now. I am a woman, I have a female genitalia, so I have to," answered Dorce Gamalama when he was in a wheelchair.