DKI Controlled Isolation Facilities Only For Poor People, DPRD: Rich People Don't Act Poor

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission A of the DKI DPRD Inggad Joshua warned that the controlled isolation facilities provided were only for residents who could not afford and could not self-isolate at home.

Therefore, according to Inggad, the DKI Provincial Government should not accept rich people to get free isoter facilities when they are positive for COVID-19.

He emphasized this in a working meeting of the DKI DPRD Commission A with the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

"Don't be a rich person, you already got a lot of money, continue to use APBD money (for isoters). There must be a priority scale. That's a note, because these rich people sometimes pretend to be poor," said Inggad at the DKI DPRD building, Tuesday, February 15.

Responding to this, Head of BPBD DKI Isnawa Adji admitted that there were indeed people with economically capable conditions who asked to be isolated in the isoter facilities of the DKI Provincial Government. In fact, they can pay for isolation at the hotel.

"Sometimes, they take advantage of the isoters that we actually intended for the poor, which are free," Isnawa said.

Isnawa said that his party would be even more selective in accommodating COVID-19 patients to be isolated in the isoter facility funded by the DKI Regional Budget. They, Isnawa said, will be asked to pay personal costs for isolation at the hotel.

"So, we hope that families can afford, rich people to take advantage of paid hotels. That's right they can afford, so they don't interfere with the portion (isolation facilities) for small people," he explained.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government has prepared 6 isoter locations for COVID-19 patients in the midst of an increase in COVID-19 cases due to the spread of the Omicron variant.

This centralized isolation location is only intended for COVID-19 patients with asymptomatic (OTG) categories, mild symptoms, and no comorbidities. Meanwhile, patients with moderate, severe, and critical symptoms are hospitalized.

Of these 6 locations, 921 controlled isolation beds were provided, with details of 77 beds at CIS Mansion, then 194 beds at Graha Wisata Ragunan.

Then, there are 100 isolation beds at Graha Wisata Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, 150 beds at LPMP, 100 beds at the Hasyim Ashari Grand Mosque, and 100 beds at Wisma Adhyaksa Puri Loka.

As of February 15, only used beds were at Graha Wisata TMII with 25 percent occupancy, Hashim Asyari Grand Mosque 5 percent, and Wisma Adhyaksa Puri Loka 6 percent.