Five Regencies In Babylon Have PPKM Level 3 Status

PANGKALPINANG - The Bangka Belitung Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force stated that five of the seven regencies/cities had PPKM level 3 status, due to the increasing number of active COVID-19 cases in the area.

"Currently, active cases of COVID-19 have reached 977 people, due to a spike in cases in early February 2022," said Secretary of the COVID-19 Task Force for the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Mikron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 15.

He explained that the determination of PPKM level 3 in five districts in the Province of the Babel Islands was based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 11 of 2022 concerning PPKM. The five PPKM level 3 districts/cities are Pangkalpinang, Bangka, Central Bangka, Belitung and East Belitung.

Meanwhile, two districts have PPKM level 1 status, namely West Bangka and South Bangka, due to relatively low cases of corona virus transmission in the two districts.

"The spread of Omicron in Bangka Belitung is quite massive with a spike in cases, so this kind of screening must be carried out immediately. PT Timah Tbk has started this and we also encourage others to do the same," he said. According to him, this screening needs to be done in order to determine the next step, PT Timah Tbk as an industry is expected to be able to carry out this routinely so that it can help local governments in handling COVID -19.

Head of Class III Port Health Office (KKP) Pangkalpinang dr. Bangun Cahyo Utomo explained that in order to speed up breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19, the main things that must be done are vaccination, tracing, tracking, treatment and discipline in implementing health protocols.

"What PT Timah Tbk has done is quite appropriate and we hope this can help break the chain of the spread of COVID-19," he said.