Visit Wadas Village, DPR Asks Police To Withdraw Troops

JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR made a specific working visit (kunker) to Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo, Central Java, last Thursday, February 11. This work visit is intended to see firsthand the conditions after the incident with the apparatus in the village. Commission III of the DPR also came to find out the point of the problem that occurred between residents and law enforcement officers. The reason is, in the process of measuring the land carried out by the Central River Basin (BBWS) and the National Land Agency (BPN) at the location of the andesite mining center, pros and cons emerged.

Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Taufik Basari, said that the member of the council asked the government to approach the dialogue with Wadas residents regarding the construction of the Bener Dam, which is the main issue.

Tobas, as he is known, also said that there were several points that had been agreed between the members of the council and the local government and several parties in terms of handling the Wadas turmoil. Among them, questioning alternatives for stone sources to solutions to these problems. Most importantly, the Central Java Provincial Government and Central Java Regional Police must restore psychologically to the victims of the incident that occurred on Tuesday, February 8. Where there are dozens of residents who were arrested by the security.

"Put dialogue forward. Actually, if the police precision is implemented, it won't happen like this. For example, if it is carried out, it prioritizes humanistic matters and so on," Tobas said, Sunday, February 13. The NasDem politician said that Commission III of the DPR also asked the Police to withdraw their troops from Wadas Village, so that the community would not be filled with fear and feel that the area was tense.

"So that the community is not overwhelmed with fear and feeling threatened, we ask that the police can withdraw their troops so that it doesn't feel scary, it looks like there are a lot of people there," Tobas said.

Even if the police still have to provide security, the legislator for the Lampung electoral district suggested that the apparatus should involve Bhabinkamtibmas for dialogue with the community first. "If the police still need assistance, our suggestion is to involve Bhabinkamtibmas who has the ability to carry out dialogue with the community," said Taufik Basari. Bener Dam National Strategy.

"Wadas Village is not a national strategic project area for the Bener Dam," said Deputy Chair of Commission III of the DPR RI, Desmon J Mahesa, Friday, February 11. It is also mentioned that Wadas Village is a location for andesite rock quarry mining. This Andesite stone will later be used for the construction of the Bener Dam.

However, based on the findings of Commission III of the DPR RI, Wadas is not included in the national strategic project area. So that the rejection from the community regarding mining can be done.

"Legally, if the area is a dam, the community can accept it. On the outside of the dam, the community can temporarily refuse because it does not violate any rules," said the Gerindra politician.

Therefore, he added, Commission III of the DPR RI asked for the turmoil that occurred in Wadas Village to be resolved properly.

"In the future, the pros and cons can be reconciled, with the implementing party who wants to take the stone, they can resolve it amicably," said Desmond.