West Java Deputy Governor Uu Ruzhanul Doesn't Want The Getaci Toll Road Construction To Take A Long Time

JABAR - Deputy Governor of West Java (Jabar) Uu Ruzhanul Ulum hopes that the construction of the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap (Getaci) Toll Road can be faster than the toll construction process in other areas.

"We don't want Getaci developments such as Bocimi (Bogor-Sukabumi) and Cisumdawu (Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan), therefore, we conduct early socialization so that land acquisition can run smoothly," said Uu while reviewing the locations that will be affected by the construction of the toll road. Getaci in Kadungora, Garut Regency, Antara, Friday, February 11.

He said the West Java Provincial Government continues to pay special attention to each process of toll road development plans, including land acquisition.

"We don't want the coveted toll road construction like in other West Java regions, for example in Bocimi it will only take 22 years to complete, Cisumdawu will only take 11 years to complete," he said.

He said that currently the government is conducting early socialization related to land acquisition so that the construction can run smoothly.

If each stage of the plan goes smoothly, he said, the construction of the Getaci Toll Road can be carried out according to the plan, which is completed in 2024. "It is estimated that by 2024 the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya (Getaci) Toll Road will be completed," he said.

A resident of Kadungora, Garut Riki Ismail, stated that the community agreed and gave support to the government which would build the toll road.

"The community has agreed with the construction of the toll road, currently there is no rejection from the residents," he said.