Attorney General Hopes BPK Audit Strengthens Prosecutors' Financial Accountability

JAKARTA - The Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Sanitiar Burhanuddin hopes that the audit by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the financial statements of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office in 2021 can be an important momentum to strengthen the financial accountability of the Attorney General's Office. to be responsive in preparing and providing every data and information needed by the Examining Team correctly and accurately," said Sanitiar in his remarks at the entry meeting which was attended by Chairman I BPK RI Hendra Susanto, based on his statement in Jakarta, Friday 11 February. The purpose of this entry meeting is to follow up on the Letter of Assignment of Members of the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia to carry out an examination of the Financial Statements of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office for 2021 for 95 (ninety five) days as well as the Letter of the Main Auditor of State Finance I BPK RI regarding Audit Notifications. Burhanuddin welcomes and supports the presence of BPK to carry out one of its constitutional duties within the next 95 days, namely to conduct an examination of the Financial Statements of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021. on conformity with accounting standards, adequacy of disclosure, compliance with laws and regulations, and the effectiveness of the internal control system," said the Indonesian Attorney General. This cooperation will result in a common view and understanding, and it is hoped that with this examination, the Attorney General's Office will be more motivated to take corrective steps, improve quality, fairness, and truth in the presentation of reports that are in accordance with Government Accounting Standards and refer to the applicable laws and regulations. "Therefore, we always try to identify and evaluate financial governance that has been implemented, especially to find gaps in possible obstacles or obstacles that exist, in order to build good governance. better financial management," said the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia.