Kramat Jati Main Market Overhauled, What About The Fate Of Traders And Buyers?

JAKARTA - Kramat Jati Main Market, East Jakarta is being revitalized. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria hopes that the revitalization will not interfere with buying and selling activities.

Kramat Jati Main Market has a vital role in meeting the basic needs of people in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). He said the revitalization will not eliminate the function of the market.

"The market's desire is to immediately renovate, repair, revitalize, while running without eliminating the function of the market and also not stopping activities in the market," Riza said in Jakarta, Friday, February 11, quoted from Antara.

Riza added that the revitalization of the Kramat Jati Main Market must also pay attention to justice for traders, especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) who have been trading for decades.

"Then we also ensure justice here. So all these MSMEs must get a chance," he said.

The old traders should not be sidelined and can still survive here. But he also had an opportunity for other merchants to trade there.

Riza also wants traders to be invited to dialogue in the process of revitalizing the Kramat Jati Main Market. The goal is that the revitalization of the Kramat Jati Main Market can be beneficial for all parties.

"Hopefully in the future there will be good cooperation between the market and traders. This market is neater, better, more organized, more fair, hopefully it will also provide benefits," said Riza.