Susi Air Has Not Responded To The Summons Yet

JAKARTA - Susi Air's attorney Donal Fariz visited the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of the National Police to report Malinau Regent Wempi Wellem Mawa and Malinau Regional Secretary Ernes Silvanus.

This reporting plan follows the lack of response to the summons sent to the two regional officials.

"As of 20.00 WIB, Susi Air has not received a response from the Regent and Secretary of Malinau for the summons sent on February 7, 2022," said Donal Fariz when confirmed via text message from Jakarta, Antara, Friday, February 11.

According to Donal, if up to 24 hours since the summons was sent there is no response, then his party plans to report the parties referred to as criminal acts, as referred to in Article 335 paragraph (1) point (1) and Article 210 and Article 344 letter (a) and ( c) to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police Headquarters. "We went to the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters on Friday at 10.00 WIB," he said.

Previously, Susi Air owner Susi Pudjiastuti in her Twitter account said that a Susi Air plane was expelled from the Malinau Hangar by officers from the Civil Service Police Unit and the Transportation Service of the Malinau Regency Government.

Susi said her party rented the hangar for 10 years. As a result of the forced eviction, Susi Air is now conducting an inventory of damage and loss data. In 2022, Susi Air will start serving flights to and from Malinau for 11 routes.

The route is a Central Pioneer Flight, which consists of Malinau-Long Bawan, Malinau-Long Apung, Malinau-Mahak Baru, Malinau-Long Layu, Malinau-Binuang, Malinau-Long Alango, Malinau-Long Punjungan, Malinau-Data Dian and Malinau -Long Sule.

In addition, Susi Air also serves regional pioneer flights on the Nunukan-Long Bawan route (plane from Malinau) and regular flights on the Malinau-Tarakan route. From the results of the Malinau Regency Government's internal evaluation, Susi Air's contract at the Malinau Hangar was decided to be completed on December 31, 2021.