Not Wanting To Carelessly Comment On The Wadas Incident, Members Of The DPR F-PKB For The Purworejo Dapil Are Still Looking For Data And Facts

JAKARTA - Member of the DPR from the PKB faction, Abdul Kadir Karding, was reluctant to comment much on the incident between the residents of Wadas, Bener District, Purworejo, Central Java, and the police.

The PKB legislator from the VI Central Java Region admitted that he was very careful in issuing statements regarding the residents' rejection of the construction of the Bener Dam.

"I am indeed a member of the DPR for the VI constituency of Central Java, which includes Purworejo. Purworejo is indeed going viral in connection with the incident that occurred in Wadas. In the case of this Wadas or the Bener Dam, I was deliberately being very careful because first it was sensitive," said Abdul Kadir Karding to reporters, Thursday, February 10.

"However, as a representative of the people of Purworejo, my job is to fight for and defend the interests of the local community there," he continued.

Apart from being sensitive, according to Karding, the Wadas issue is also related to national strategic programs. Third, concerning the benefit of the people or the good of the people. So, he said, it is necessary to first find the data and facts in the field so as not to make arbitrary statements.

"The first step I took was that I formed a small team to go down there to look for and take a closer look at the data and the actual facts that happened. But before I receive the complete data, I will suggest and take a proportional attitude. It means having an attitude or opinion based on the data and facts on the ground. So it's not based on news, or social media and so on, no, but data and facts on the ground," said Karding.

Nevertheless, the member of Commission VII of the DPR continues to encourage all Wadas settlements to be carried out using dialogue and persuasion methods.

"And in my opinion, let's entrust this settlement to the people there, the community leaders, the provincial government, related parties, it will be resolved in an elegant way, in participatory and open dialogue," said Karding.

Karding hopes that all elements of society, whether activists, politicians or social media activists, will provide opinions and attitudes regarding this Wadas issue with complete data.

"Don't be based on partial data, let alone just copy and paste statements circulating on social media and in existing media. So we must address this issue wisely and proportionally," said Karding.