Gun Romli Sprays Ustaz Adi Hidayat, Signals Army Chief Of Staff Dudung Wants To Be 'Draged' Like Ahok's Case Before

JAKARTA - Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) activist Mohamad Guntur Romli criticized Ustaz Adi Hidayat (UAH) for his response to the controversial remarks of the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman.

In a confused manner, UAH asked the Army Chief of Staff Dudung who said 'God is not an Arab.' UAH said, if God is not an Arab, then who is God? For Gun Romli, Guntur Romli's nickname, this statement by UAH reflects a big mistake.

"For me, Adi Hidayat was even asked questions, which indicated that he wanted to equate God with people. If God is called not an Arab, which person means he is?" Firmly Gun Romli imitated UAH's statement quoted from Youtube CokroTV, Thursday, February 10.

For a Muslim who is sane and logically healthy, it will not cross his heart to ask who God is. Because it is certain that God is not a person, let alone from where. Gun Romli then invited the public to see the series of sentences uttered by Army Chief of Staff Dudung.

"Because he (God) is not a person, especially an Arab, he understands all languages and even knows what is in the hearts and thoughts of his servants. So it doesn't matter if you want to pray in any language, you don't have to pray in Arabic, because God is not an Arab, said Gun Romli.

Army Chief of Staff Dudung's expression was simple and easy to understand. However, said Gun Romli, because there is an element of hatred, the expression is actually twisted and obscured. Dudung is not defining God but is refuting the misconception in Islam that God is always identified with Arabism or Arabs.

"I strongly suspect that General Dudung is about to be Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama) through his statement which is actually easy to understand but then twisted with hatred to create slander, especially those who are currently attacking General Dudung also from the same gang that attacked Ahok first," Gun Romli said.

Army Chief of Staff Dudung continued Gun Romli, using the word 'not' or a form of negation. As long as it's in that context, there's nothing wrong. For example, God is not an ant, God is not a chair, God is not a driver and so on. Army Chief of Staff Dudung would be wrong if he said 'God is not an Arab but an Indonesian.

"Because the expression of God in Indonesia is itsbat or establishes a definition of God. For me, there has been an evil intention to twist General Dudung's words," said Gun Romli.