University Of Indonesia Funds Research And Innovation Programs That Benefit The Community

DEPOK - University of Indonesia (UI) supports the academic community in conducting research and innovation that can increase competitiveness and economic growth as well as benefit society. Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, drg. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp.OF(K) as quoted in a university press release received in Depok, Thursday 10 February, said that UI runs the Prototype Design and Development Funding Program (P5) to support the innovation ecosystem. According to him, UI also seeks to propose research and innovations from the academic community that are beneficial to the community. They can receive financial support from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) as well as other funding sources. Diar Wahyu Indriarti, MARS explained that BRIN provides National Research Priority (PRN) funding for institutions/agencies. PRN 2022-2024 funding includes the food sector; energy; health; transportation; engineering engineering; defense and security; maritime; social humanities, education, arts, and culture; as well as multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral.

In addition, BRIN as an institution directly responsible to the president has prepared six facilitation programs for research purposes, including a sailing day facilitation program, research collaboration center, facilitation of testing health innovation products, national and COVID-19 research priorities, expedition and exploration funding, as well as funding for research-based startup companies. "In order for the submitted proposals to pass, each researcher does not submit more than two titles. Proposals containing advanced research are also prioritized for acceptance," said Diar. available at BRIN. For researchers who produce innovative products, such as drugs, try to make the proposed product ready," he added. Meanwhile, Director of the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park UI Ahmad Gamal said that DISTP UI's research and innovation funding increased every year. year.In 2017 DI . internal and external funding STP UI is around Rp. 10 billion, then it will increase to Rp. 55 billion in 2021. The funding will result in more than 50 innovation products and 14 startups in 2021. DISTP UI facilitates business incubation of innovations produced by researchers, which includes registration of intellectual property rights, commercialization process , to obtaining licenses for industrial partners.