It's Time For Officers Who Help Drivers In TransJakarta To Be Activated Again

JAKARTA - The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) recommended that officers who assist drivers on TransJakarta buses be reactivated because they have an important role to direct and serve passengers.

The head of the KNKT Soerjanto Tjahjono explained that previously the driver assistant officers on the bus were removed. As a result, the burden on the driver increases who should only concentrate on driving and stop at the destination stop.

"We see that at several TransJakarta shelters the 'gap' is quite large and the function of assisting drivers with such a stop is very vital," Soerjanto said in a virtual FGD held by the Jakarta City Transportation Council, Wednesday, February 9.

Driver assistant duties cannot be delegated to the driver alone because the driver requires high concentration to stay on the busway and stop at the designated stop.

From the results of a thorough investigation of TransJakarta operations, the KNKT also found a reduction in route security officers in the corridor.

According to Soerjanto, route security officers in the corridor help reduce traffic conflicts between TransJakarta buses and other road users, such as motorbikes to escort cars that enter the busway lane.

"Looking at our society, especially in Jakarta, who are not disciplined, they ignore the special signs of TransJakarta, so motorbikes, cars and official cars that are escorted enter the corridors," he said, quoted from Antara.

In other operational findings, KNKT also noted that the operational planning pattern for TransJakarta buses is too dynamic because it is regulated on a daily basis.

KNKT assesses that planning that is too dynamic has an impact on preparing vehicles that are more difficult. Therefore, the KNKT recommends establishing an operational bus for a longer period of time, such as one month.

"The minimum is not daily, because it will make it difficult for everyone, router and driver settings, the number of buses operating, and other preparations to support this operation will be very difficult if it is on a daily basis," he said.