10 Employees Exposed To COVID-19, Gambir District Office In Lockdown

JAKARTA - Ten employees in Gambir District, Central Jakarta are known to have been exposed to COVID-19. To avoid transmission, the Gambir District office was forced to close for the next 4 days.

Gambir sub-district head Fauzi confirmed that ten employees were exposed to COVID-19. The exposed employees, four of whom are civil servants (PNS) and the other four are contract employees.

"We have temporarily suspended activities at the sub-district office. All employees who are positive for COVID-19 are undergoing independent isolation (Isoman)," said Fauzi Sub-district Head when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, February 8.

Fauzi said that all employees who were exposed to COVID-19 were asymptomatic and included in the family cluster category. Employees who are exposed to this are still of productive age or young.

"Those who have contracted COVID-19 have had the third vaccine and some have not had the third vaccine," he said.

Meanwhile, the existing services in Gambir District were transferred to the Petojo Selatan Sub-District office. However, not all employees were transferred to the office, only a few employees.

"Other employees work from home and work online. We have also sprayed disinfectant until the office will reopen," he said.