Bima Arya Says 80 Percent Of COVID-19 Patients In Bogor Don't Need Hospital Treatment

BOGOR - The Bogor City Government, West Java recorded that 80 percent of the 2,061 COVID-19 positive patients or 1648 people had mild symptoms, so they did not require hospitalization.

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto in Bogor City stated that the spike in COVID-19 cases in February 2022 had indeed surpassed the daily figure for the Delta variant in July to August 2021. Severe and critical conditions currently only reach 31 percent in each hospital. "This means that most of the COVID-19 patients who are exposed have mild symptoms and do not need hospital treatment," he said in Bogor as reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 8.

From this alert, continued Bima, the occupancy is still under control because the number of patients with moderate, severe and critical symptoms is only 20 percent of the thousands of people who have tested positive. The patient with mild symptoms is now self-isolating at home, so the COVID-19 Task Force has reactivated the RW. alert by closing the portal. Each residential location where there are positive patients is asked to anticipate the spread. Portal alleys or public roads for residents who often go back and forth for residents who are vulnerable to health protocols also get a portal closing rule, so residents cannot access Meanwhile, Head of the Bogor City Health Office Sri Nowo Retno explained that the availability of beds in 21 referral hospitals currently amounts to 705 beds. Of that number, 291 patients with moderate, severe and critical symptoms have started or only 31.4 percent. , isolation beds in the ICU of the 51 beds provided have only been filled with 16 patients or 31.4 percent. Retno said, of the 2,061 positive COVID-19 patients, there are more than 200 in hospital treatment because of moderate, severe symptoms and having comorbidities or comorbidities and most of them have mild symptoms. They will receive monitoring through telemedicine applications or directly by the community health center (puskesmas), volunteers and RW on standby. "So 80 percent of patients in Bogor City have mild symptoms and we are directed to isoman," said Retno.