Deputy Chairperson Of MPR: IKN Transfer Policy Is Right

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI Jazilul Fawaid assesses the government's policy to move the state capital (IKN) from Jakarta to North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU), East Kalimantan, is the right step. thus making the carrying capacity of infrastructure even more dense. If this is not addressed, it is feared that in the future it will cause various problems, such as demography, environment, economy, and equitable development," said Jazilul in a statement in Jakarta, Monday, February 7. IKN is not something new. For example, during the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno had a desire to move the capital city to Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. In addition, according to him, during the second president of the Republic of Indonesia, General HM Suharto, a similar desire was also conveyed by moving the capital to Jonggol, Bogor, West Java.

After visiting the IKN location at PPU, he considered it a very appropriate location because geographically, the IKN area seemed to be in the middle of Indonesia so that the distance from the west and east was the same. , namely Samarinda and Balikpapan. The two cities currently have modern airports, sea and river ports, and the facilities in both cities are the same as other big cities in Indonesia," he said. Jazilul, there are no residents yet so that the government can carry out development without being burdened with the problem of relocating residents. Jazilul said that the absence of residents makes the government more free to be creative in building urban planning so that IKN development in PPU will display a new urban planning. able to become glue not only distance, but also togetherness for all Indonesian people "He said. He hopes that the new IKN will not only become the capital of the government, but also as a cultural center and a symbol of national unity. In addition, it must be a city that displays diversity, is modern, environmentally friendly, neat, clean, and organized. In addition, Jazilul also agrees with the name IKN Nusantara because conceptually in the books of the Majapahit era, Nusantara shows as an archipelagic country consisting of thousands of people. Island. There are various natural, cultural, linguistic, and religious riches. According to him, this group of islands will form a large, prosperous country that is respected by other nations.