The Attorney General's Office Examines 3 Retired Indonesian Armed Forces As Witnesses For Alleged Corruption Of The Ministry Of Defense Satellite

JAKARTA - Investigators of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes at the Attorney General's Office have examined three retired TNI as witnesses in the alleged corruption case of the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) satellite project in Orbit Slot 123 degrees East Longitude (BT).

The three retired TNI officers were examined, namely Vice Admiral TNI (Ret.) AP as the former Director General of Defense Forces, Ministry of Defense, Rear Admiral TNI (Ret.) L as former Head of the Defense Facilities Agency, Ministry of Defense, and First Admiral TNI (Ret.) L. as Former Head of the Procurement Center at the Defense Facilities Agency, Ministry of Defense.

"The three witnesses were examined regarding the rescue process for the 123° East Longitude (BT) Orbit Orbit Slot, specifically the L-Band satellite procurement contract with Air Bus, the ground segment procurement with Navayo and Consulting Services with Hogen Lovells, Détente, and Telesat," said the Head of Information Center. Attorney General's Office Law Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak in a written statement quoted by Antara, Monday, February 7.

It was previously reported that on the monitor screen for the examination by the Attorney General's Office of the Jampdisus at the Roundabout, it was stated that the examination of two retired TNI soldiers on Thursday, January 27.

The two retired officers are First Admiral of the Indonesian Navy (Ret.) Listyanto (former Head of the Procurement Center) and Admiral (Ret.) Leonardi (Former Head of Baranahan).

At that time, Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) Febrie Adriansyah stated that the examination was in coordination with the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes (Jampidmil).

Jampidsus Director of Investigation Supardi also said the inspection schedule listed on the monitor was in coordination with Jampidmil.

The disclosure of the alleged corruption case in the satellite project began with a management void after the Garuda-1 satellite went out of orbit from the Orbit Slot 123 degrees east longitude.

At that time, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics fulfilled the request of the Ministry of Defense to obtain the right to manage the slot.

Furthermore, in its development, although the approval for the use of the 123 degree east long orbital slot from the Ministry of Communication and Information has not yet been issued, the Ministry of Defense has made a satellite lease contract with Avanti Communication Ltd's orbital filler called the Artemis Satellite.

In addition, according to Mahfud MD's official statement, the Ministry of Defense has also signed contracts with companies Navayo, Airbus, Detente Hogan Lovells, and Telesat in the period from 2015 to 2016.