Foreigners Fugitives In Cases Of Beating Up Ukrainian Caucasians In Bali Still Wanted By Immigration

DENPASAR - Head of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of Bali Province, Jamaruli Manihuruk confirmed that his party was still looking for foreign nationals (WNA) involved in the beating in North Kuta. A number of people are still at large.

"Actually, there are still more than two fugitives. So the steps are, of course, to coordinate with the relevant agencies and have also checked with those caught, to find out where their friends are. Because those who have been caught, they must have had information because at the time they did this, They were together with their fugitive friend," said Jamaruli, Monday, February 7.

However, his party does not yet know the identity of the foreigner who is still at large. It suspects that there are more than two fugitive foreigners.

Meanwhile, regarding the other four foreigners who have been secured at the Denpasar Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim), they are still being investigated. The results of the examination will determine the deportation decision.

"For the deportation, of course, we are still waiting for an examination carried out by the Ngurah Rai Immigration office. So we are waiting for what the results will be. Will it be in the near future or we will immediately be deported from Bali," added Jamaruli.

According to him, foreign nationals who were involved in the beatings, have a visit visa and a Limited Stay Permit Card (Kitaas). Meanwhile, a foreigner with the initials ZO (53) from Ukraine is known to be involved in the motorcycle business. Meanwhile, one of the Russian foreigners with the initials AT (48) is known to be a yoga trainer in Bali.

"Regarding their activities in Indonesia, there are also those that are not in accordance with their visit permit, so this can be included in the elements of Article 75 of the Immigration Law so that we can arrest them," he said.

"Right now it is under investigation but we are still developing it. Because we can see from the results of the examination that there are still some who seem to be hidden. We are still trying to find out the extent of their involvement in this case of beatings," he said.

It was previously reported that two foreign nationals (WNA) who beat a Ukrainian Caucasian with the initials ZO (53) finally surrendered themselves to the Bali Police.

The two Caucasians who gave themselves up were AT (48) from Russia and ID (37) from Ukraine. Both of them are now being detained at the Bali Police Headquarters and the search for two other residents who were also involved in the beatings is still being carried out.

Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation at the Bali Police AKBP Suratno said the two foreigners surrendered after the police coordinated with the honorary consuls of Russia and Ukraine in Bali.