Exclusive Atal S Depari: Let The Public Entertained With Social Media, Fixed Information From Journalistic-Based Media

It is undeniable that the popularity of social media (Medsos) is now far above journalism-based media. This reality was acknowledged by Atal S Depari as General Chair of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI). For him, please let the public be entertained by the variety of information provided by social media, but when the public wants correct and verified information, keep it from media that is based on journalism. This is an opportunity as well as a challenge that all journalists must optimize.


Based on data from research conducted by the Press Council and the Faculty of Communication, Prof. University. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) 2021, the first media accessed by the public to get information as much as 22.5 percent is WhatsApp, cyber media or online media chosen by 22 percent of respondents. From this data, it can be seen that new media (Youtube, Whatsapp, Instagram) which are commonly called social media are still the top choice in obtaining the daily news of our society.

Despite this fact, for Atal S Depari, there are advantages of journalism-based media that social media does not have. Therefore, he did not hesitate even though social media is currently more in demand by the public. In the future, the public will definitely return to journalism-based media to seek the truth of an event.

"One day people will say, this is not true information on social media. He will verify the information obtained on social media (Medsos) to journalism-based media. Most of social media is not serious, only entertainment. That's why the role of media (based on journalism) is important compared to social media," he said.

In the future, in the midst of increasingly rapid technological advances, according to the man who was in charge of covering the boxing fight of Michael Moorer and Evander Holyfield in Las Vegas, America in 1997, journalists must have dual skills or multitasking. “Technology has actually opened up opportunities for journalists, but journalists must have more skills. To get there he has to hone and upgrade his knowledge in order to be able to multitask. Journalists are now not only required to be able to write, but must be able to take pictures, take video pictures and upload them. With just one smartphone device, all journalists can do. Journalists must always adapt to technological advances," he said to Iqbal Irsyad, Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos and Rifai from VOI who interviewed him recently at the PWI Central Office, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta. Here is the full excerpt.

Atal S Depari. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The dynamics that occur in the media world are so fast in the last decade. Print media is slowly being eroded, online media is growing, how do you see this phenomenon?

I find it a bit scary, there are two things that make me so. The media is being disrupted, this is incredible. Today we can no longer say who is the most extraordinary, the media that says he is now the greatest, no longer says he is great. Because everything has been corrected, it's not good if I say it's stunted. Then this condition certainly affects journalists. Now that there are more than 20,000 PWI members, I'm starting to think about where all the PWI members will go in the future. All of this is caused by information technology and technological advances.

Well, this is indeed extraordinary, we didn't expect that when there was 4.0 technology plus the COVID-19 pandemic, the process was very fast. We are not ready but we have been beaten by technology like this. This is our big problem now.

Journalists like it or not have to be ready with this condition? Journalists cannot avoid this situation. I finally thought whether in the future the journalist will still be sold? Now our social media see the body so big and amazing. In fact, many people have succeeded in making money through this social media. On the other hand, what happened to the media was the opposite, where there was only a bankruptcy process.

But I believe that information can only be provided by members of the press. I think technology will continue to roll and this year will roll out what is called 5G. The data transfer speed is 1000 gigabytes per bite. Much different from 4G. Information technology will be booming, and social media will experience the same thing.

Keep people entertained with social media. But if the public wants to find true, factual, verified information, the truth can be guaranteed, still through journalistic-based media.

So people will joke with social media, on social media we know that there is so much entertainment. There was blasphemy on social media. Once they are bored with social media he will seek and clarify all information to find the truth to journalism-based media.

So the role of journalistic-based media, even though social media is now more in demand by the public, is still very strategic?

If I see yes. In fact, it is very important to neutralize social media which is getting stronger because I think, one day people will say, this is not true information on social media. He will verify the information obtained on social media. Most of social media is not serious, only entertainment. There are serious one or all media.

Atal S Depari. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

How do you see the problems journalists face today?

In the past there was the term WTS (journalists without newspapers), but now on the contrary, a journalist can own many media or newspapers. The ease of setting up media makes journalists compete to establish their own media. In my opinion this is not ideal, not healthy. The problem is that the online media that has been established has not been able to guarantee a decent life. There are still many friends who struggle to support their media only from traffic. Journalists now don't just think about looking for news, but also have to think economically how to keep the business going.

So far, how is the dispute between journalists and a bankrupt company, what is the resolution?

The problem of companies going bankrupt in the current era, not only happens to media companies, but also to companies in other business fields. So far, no one has complained to us, nor to the Press Council, I have not heard. The current situation seems to be understood by journalists and companies, or that there has been a settlement between them.

Are journalists' salaries currently standard or still below?

There are media that have been able to provide decent salaries to journalists, but some have not. The latter is what needs attention. But there are also journalists who are content creators. For the latter, if the income is calculated, sometimes the income is far greater than the salary of journalists in general. You just have to be creative so that people see what you make.

Now the difference between content creators and journalists has become thin, how is the monitoring for these two things?

For PWI members, I think it's clear, they have a code of ethics, as well as other professional journalism organizations. In the future, I think it is necessary to provide training or education to content creators who make news. Slowly they must be educated.

The public must be able to distinguish which media are correct and which are not. It can be seen from the permission, what's wrong? Then also see if the media status is verified or not. Administrative verification and factual verification. And it can be seen from the Press Council page. In some areas there have been announcements only serving verified media. Many shouted, but that's the condition.

In PWI itself, how many journalists have taken the Competency Test (UKW)?

PWI is very active in this UKW business, if someone asks what the organizational program is, for example 1 to 10, numbers 1-9 are education and training, number 10 is new and so on. That's how big PWI's attention is to improve the competence of journalists. We really appreciate UKW's policies. More than 100 UKW examiners from PWI, and they almost never take a break, continue to test. Of the 20,000 members, more than 13,000 have participated in UKW from various levels, young (beginner journalists), middle (journalists in the editor/editor class) and major (Managing Editor to Editor-in-Chief).

There are still journalists who are intimidated by outsiders while carrying out their duties, how does PWI protect its members?

I am proud that PWI members have to work according to the guidelines that have been created. There are guidelines for covering demonstrations, there are guidelines for covering terrorism cases, and so on. For the case in North Sumatra, there was a journalist who was shot some time ago, I have checked that he is not a member of PWI. But whatever because he already holds the title as a journalist, we are concerned about such treatment.

I am sure that if the journalist works professionally and according to his competence, he will not face many problems. That's the point. If it has been run relatively safer. In education and training at PWI it is emphasized that journalists cannot protect crime.

If the journalist is a professional and is registered as a member, we will definitely defend him. We have legal aid agencies to help journalists who are in conflict with the law. We have the Head of the Defense for Journalists. PWI also joins other journalists' organizations in advocating for journalists.

In today's era journalists are required to multitask, what do you think about the readiness of journalists?

Advances in technology actually open up opportunities for journalists, but journalists must have more skills. To get there he has to hone and upgrade his knowledge in order to be able to multitask. Journalists are now not only required to be able to write, but must be able to take pictures, take videos and upload them. Indeed, not all journalists can do that, but many have this ability. With just one smartphone device, all journalists can do. Journalists must always adapt to technological advances.

Until now, are there journalists who question February 9 as National Press Day?

Actually it was not PWI that set February 9 as National Press Day, it was the government's decision. Coincidentally, that date coincided with PWI's birthday, it couldn't be changed. On February 9, Indonesian press figures gathered in Solo. It was not an easy matter for them to arrive in the city of Solo at that time. Some sneaked and disguised themselves until they finally arrived in Solo. At that time all the press fighters were present. If you want to look for an older date, there may be a certain newspaper's birth date, but that's what we make as press day. February 9th was chosen because of its enthusiasm and momentum. At that time, press figures gathered to help the struggle of the Indonesian nation and state, which had just proclaimed its independence.

What are your hopes for HPN 2022?

What is the ideal forward press format? How to respond to very rapid technological advances. So that we can walk straight. This will be formulated in the discussion at the 2022 HPN convention. We also encourage the government and various parties to consistently use new and renewable energy for the preservation of our earth. With regard to Indonesia acting as the G20 presidency, we also support various parties towards zero emissions as stipulated in the Paris Agreement.

No Compromise, For Health Atal S Depari Stop Smoking and Reduce Carbohydrate Consumption
Atal S Depari. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

It doesn't take much theory to break a habit that according to health reviews is not good. As practiced by the Head of PWI Pusat Atal S Depari, he immediately stopped smoking and reduced the intake of carbohydrates which were high in sugar content. Now by running a healthy lifestyle; stop smoking, reduce carbohydrates, exercise, and get plenty of rest, make his physical condition more healthy and fit.

It turned out that the turning point was that he realized that he needed to pay attention to his health after the 2008 PWI Congress held in Solo, Central Java. At that time Atal was stunned to see a photo of himself that looked emaciated and not fresh. "I saw a photo of me wearing a hat, the model looks like a katro (village boy), at that time my weight was 54 kg. Everyone I meet, the message is always the same; take care of your health, bro," he said imitating messages from friends, relations, colleagues when they met him. Everyone wants him to take care of his health.

Honestly the message was not liked by Atal. But since then he pondered. The essence of his contemplation must be that something has changed in his life. “I have to change my lifestyle to be healthier. Since then I have not smoked anymore, even though I usually use 4 packs of cigarettes a day. People around me know everything, I just sleep and don't smoke,” recalls the man who was born in Seberaya, North Sumatra, January 4, 1954.

Another habit that Atal also stopped leading to a healthy life was the consumption of carbohydrates that were high in sugar content, especially rice. Because he has a history of fairly high sugar levels. The doctor's advice is that rice intake should be drastically reduced and replaced with other carbohydrates that are low in sugar content. "I told my wife, I don't want to eat rice anymore. He was actually very happy to see my willingness to reduce my rice intake. He supports by preparing food that has no rice. I haven't eaten rice in the last two years," he said.

Even though he doesn't eat rice, Atal can still fulfill his body's carbohydrate needs by eating potatoes. “Somebody gave advice to me that I can actually eat brown rice which is low in sugar content. But I don't believe it, I still don't want to eat rice," he said. Now the staple food is potatoes with meat dishes, and complementary vegetables and fruit as daily consumption.

Not eating rice instead of losing weight. On the contrary, now his weight is 67kg. Whereas before running a healthy lifestyle, his weight was only 54kg. "Now it's okay, I'm also fat. Previously there were no curves, now there are,” he said cheerfully reporting his increasingly healthy and full physical condition.


Atal S Depari. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Before running a healthy lifestyle, Atal S Depari focused more on sports coverage. At that time, it turned out that there was no significant positive correlation between sports coverage and physical health. "I've always loved sports, especially playing football. But smoking continues," said Atal, who was a witness when Susi Susanti and Alan Budikusuma presented the gold medal for Indonesia at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.

But that was then, now everything has changed. After committing to live a healthy life. His daily activities also changed. “Every day I exercise for 30 minutes of walking. If it rains, the choice is a treadmill at home," he said. "To be more complete, I exercise with 3kg and 5kg barbells, to maintain muscle," he added.

From all these activities towards health, Atal concludes that there are three things he must do. First, sleep should be enough, at least 7 hours a day. "Now it's 8 or 9 pm I'm already sleeping. Even though I used to be able to sleep for two days and two nights without a deadline,” Atal recalls about his past and present life patterns which are like heaven and earth.

Second, eat nutritious food and reduce the intake of carbohydrates that are high in sugar. And the third is regular exercise. “During this COVID-19, friends at PWI did not dare to go. As long as the government is allowed in, I will come to invites from various regions. My nose is already full of antigen and PCR test marks. Thank God it's safe," he said.

But that doesn't mean he's spared the ambush of COVID-19. Atal and his family of 10 people were exposed in July 2021 ago. "Every house was hit, children, wife and in-laws were exposed," he said.

After being traced, it turns out that it came from a maid who was visited by her husband, whose domicile is outside the city. “It was very hard when exposed, but thank God I was able to get through it all. My immune system can be strong, one of which is because of the healthy lifestyle that I have been running so far,” he said.


Atal S Depari. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Cigarette addicts can immediately stop smoking altogether, making many friends, colleagues and relations wonder. What exactly is the recipe that is so powerful and makes Atal no longer smoke cigarettes at all?

"What really helped me was the situation. One day I coughed non-stop. It was so bad that he couldn't sleep. Because I was super sleepy, finally at 11 pm I fell asleep too. And the next day woke up remembering cigarettes. But at that time cigarettes became something scary for me. Fear of coughing again if you dare to try cigarettes. Finally, since then I don't want to smoke anymore. So it immediately stopped drastically, without a gradual process," he said.

In Atal's mind, he already imagined that if he returned to smoking, he would be attacked by a prolonged cough, which made his body hurt incomparably. "Even though I was offered cigarettes now, I would definitely refuse," said Atal, who has been smoking since he was a child. At that time, cigarettes were made from corn husks.

Atal S Depari felt a very significant change after he adopted a healthy lifestyle. Now wanting to wake up in the morning with full activity, he doesn't feel any complaints, in fact his body is getting fitter. "Besides limiting eating rice, I don't overdo other recipes. All of that should not be excessive, anything in excess is not good," he said.

“Let the public be entertained with social media. But if the public wants to find true, factual, verified information, the truth can be guaranteed, still through journalistic-based media, "