The People's Economic Potential Continues To Be Explored, BI Enters Islamic Boarding Schools In The Halal Value Chain Ecosystem

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) revealed that the economic independence of Islamic boarding schools has a very important role to build a strong national economic base.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said that there are three prerequisites for the progress of the economic and financial business of Islamic boarding schools with a modern economic and business management approach.

First, tenacity and endurance. Second, strengthen business networks/friendships. Third, strengthen knowledge and economic empowerment of Islamic boarding schools through the halal value chain ecosystem.

"Development of the economic independence of Islamic boarding schools is part of the sharia economic development strategy in Indonesia in realizing inclusive growth," he said in a statement in Solo, Saturday, February 5.

According to Perry, Bank Indonesia has included the role of Islamic boarding schools in one of the pillars of the blueprint for developing Islamic economics and finance, namely strengthening through institutional improvement programs, one of which is through the economic independence of Islamic boarding schools.

"The pesantren independence development program is expected to encourage pesantren as the main driver in the halal value chain ecosystem. In addition, synergies with MSMEs and corporations also need to be carried out to further strengthen the role of Islamic boarding schools in the development of the halal value chain ecosystem," he said.

For information, BI's Islamic Economics and Finance (EKSyar) development policy is part of the central bank's policy mix, including as a form of policy response in the context of the current national economic recovery.

In this regard, the monetary authorities together with other stakeholders will always work together in building a halal value chain through the development of the halal industry in terms of input, production, production and marketing processes.

"In the midst of efforts to encourage national economic recovery, especially in facing challenges and taking opportunities in the new normal era, the launch of the halal value chain development program is expected to generate a positive spirit and optimism for all Indonesian people," concluded Perry.