38 Thousand People In DKI Violate Prokes: A Decline In The Discipline Level In Society

JAKARTA - Dozens of Satpol PP members of Sawah Besar Sub-district held an operation to enforce the mask health protocol (Prokes) on Jalan Samanhudi, in front of Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, Friday, February 4, afternoon.

The raids were intensified because in the area there were many violations of health procedures by not wearing masks.

The operation to enforce the masks was carried out along Jalan Samanhudi by joint officers from the Satpol PP, TNI and Polri. One by one, two-wheelers without masks were stopped by officers and given social witnesses and fines.

"There are a total of 35 violators for not wearing masks," said Kasatpol PP Sawah Besar Sub-district Darwis Silitonga to VOI at the location, Friday, February 4.

After being given social sanctions or fines, the prokes violators are then given masks by officers.

Based on observations at the location, most of the violators of masks are carried out by two-wheeled vehicle drivers. This orderly operation of masks is carried out strictly in order to enforce the discipline of wearing masks in the community.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial PP PP, Arifin, said that since January more than 38 thousand residents in Jakarta have been prosecuted for not wearing masks properly.

"So violations of the use of masks are also violations of other health protocols. We remind people again that they are not exposed to COVID-19," said Arifin to VOI, Friday, February 4.

From the results of the orderly operation of masks held in the Sawah Besar area, he also saw directly related to the existence of two-wheeled riders who did not wear masks.

"There was a person riding a motorbike but the mask was put in a pocket, the mask was not used. We stopped earlier. It turned out that the mask was not functioning properly, meaning the rope was broken. We gave the mask earlier," he said.

Arifin assessed that the level of community discipline in wearing masks had decreased because this pandemic had probably been going on for a long time.

"So we have found that in public spaces, people have started to lower their masks. They are no longer wearing masks. The only thing that is most effective, we have to obey what the government says, which is to do the 5M as well as possible," said Arifin.