Jambi Police Chief Directly Monitors Vaccination Of Police And TNI Members

JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General Pol A Rachmad Wibowo directly inspected the booster vaccination program held by the Polres and the East Tanjab Regency Government (Pemkab), Thursday 3 February.

The Jambi Regional Police Chief's arrival was welcomed by the East Tanjab Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Andi M Ichsan, the East Tanjab Branch Bhayangkari Chair, Dinda Ichsan, the Roslinda Police Deputy Chief, the East Tanjab Regent represented by the Jakfar Economic and Development Assistant, said Jambi Police Public Relations Head, Pol Grand Commissioner Pol Mulia Prianto in Jambi.

During the review, the Regional Police Chief was accompanied by Karo Ops Grand Commissioner Pol Feri Handoko, and Director of Intelligence and Security Grand Commissioner Pol Bondan Witjaksono.

The Jambi Regional Police Chief's visit was also carried out by zooming in with the National Police Chief General Drs Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M. Si who also monitored the booster vaccine in the East Tanjab Regency, Jambi Province.

"This booster vaccination is a follow-up vaccination given to the TNI-Polri and the East Tanjab Regency Government," said Mulia.

Meanwhile, East Tanjab Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant Andi M Ichsan said the implementation of the booster vaccination is currently being attended by all TNI-Polri personnel and the East Tanjab Regency Government, which is divided into three waves to anticipate vacancies in their activities as government officials.

"Later on, it should be divided into three waves so that no one is empty at the time of service at the office," said Andi Ichsan.

The implementation of this follow-up vaccine is for "herd immunity" for officers to provide services to the community well and in a healthy condition. The East Tanjab Police will continue to synergize with the TNI and the district government to carry out vaccinations for those who have not been further vaccinated.

"We will continue to push further vaccinations in East Tanjab Regency to reach 100 percent," said East Tanjab Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Andi M Ichsan.