Focusing On Improving The Quality Of Sports Achievements, KONI Collaborates With Akornas

JAKARTA – The Indonesian National Olympic Committee (KONI) is collaborating with the National Achievement Sports Academy (Akornas). The focus of this collaboration is to improve the quality of achievement sports.

The cooperation is stated in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by the General Chairperson of the Central KONI Marciano Norman and the Director of National Akornas Tono Suratman on Thursday, February 3.

"Improving sports achievements cannot only be done by certain groups, we must unite, fill each other's shortcomings," said Marciano on the official KONI website.

The quality of sports achievements has recently become the focus of the government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports. This began to be seen when the Ministry of Youth and Sports carried the theme Sport Science on the 2020 National Sports Day.

For this reason, the role of academics and the application of Sports Science in the coaching program is considered as one of the paths that must be followed to improve the quality of sports achievements.

In addition, of course, the Sports Industry and Sports Tourism also remain a big concern.

"It is very important for the development of sports achievements in Indonesia. Akornas is an important part that we feel is currently our weakness,” said Marciano.

The presence of Akornas is expected to improve the quality of sports personnel, especially coaches. Trainers who are equipped with knowledge are really needed to optimize the planned programs.

It is hoped that the results of this collaboration will be felt by all the main sports branches. For this reason, Akornas is asked to continue to improve the quality of its education in order to contribute to the advancement of sports.

"The Central KONI as the parent organization of sports achievements has a real collaboration with Akornas. The output of this Akornas is for Central KONI member sports," said Marciano.